Requirements and Verification


Requirements: Requirements provide a technical definition of what each and every subsystem in your design must be able to do. Each subsystem should be associated with a set of requirements. If all requirements have been met for every module, you should have a fully functioning project. A good set of requirements should meet the following criteria.

Verification: Verifications are a set of procedures that you will use to verify that a requirement has been met. Every requirement should have a verification procedure associated with it. Good verification procedures will meet the following criteria.

Remember, a good R&V table should function like a debugging checklist.

Growing Degree Day Monitor

Anthony De Roo, John Habegger, Jay Zhaoyu Yao

Featured Project

The purpose is to create an inexpensive growing degree day monitor that records temperature and computes growing degree days for a specific farming field during a growing season. This monitor will be placed near a farm field where it will monitor temperature conditions during the growing season. It will record both the ambient air and soil temperatures over the course of day. These temperatures will then be used to calculate the growing degree days. The cumulative number of degree days will then be displayed on either a seven-segment display or this can be downloaded to a computer. This monitor will be powered through a combination of both solar and battery power.