
Lab Equipment

The Srivastava Senior Design Lab has a wide selection of equipment that provides nearly all of the capabilities of the other ECE teaching labs in one place. Although the equipment may not be identical to that found in these other teaching labs, similar functionality is offered. Use the experience of learning new equipment as a way to expand your horizons. If you are using a piece of equipment for the first time, ask a TA for assistance, to make sure you understand how to safely use it. If the available equipment does not meet the needs of your project, talk to the course staff, and we will help you find what you need elsewhere on campus, consider purchasing it for the senior design lab (if it would be used by many groups), or brainstorm alternate ways to solve your problem.

Lab Kits

Each team is provided with at least one lockable storage drawer in the lab as well as a portable lab kit. An additional drawer and/or kit may be issued as need arises and facilities allow.

The lab kit includes a box with carrying handle and contains a wiring board for prototyping circuit projects, a multiple-output power supply, a digital multimeter, and a set of 8 cables (2 bnc/bnc, 2bnc/pin, 2 banana/banana, and 2 banana/pin). This is checked out to you by your TA at the beginning of the semester and must be returned undamaged at the end of the semester. Missing lab kits will result in an encumbrance or withheld diploma and a charge of $500.00, so always be sure to lock your lockers! Also, do not store any cables from the lab in your kit. Doing so will result in a loss of points.

Test Equipment

Most equipment is connected to the PCs via HPIB cables. Below is a sampling of the test equipment available:

Specific setups at the various lab benches can be in the listing at the bottom of this page.


The lab has PCs with enough processing power for the needs of nearly any senior design project. These machines are networked to a high-capacity laser printer (printing will count against your standard print quota). Each has an Ethernet connection to the campus network, an HPIB interface card connecting it to all of the standard instruments on its bench, and a sound card. The computers are maintained by Engineering IT, located in 3080 ECE Building.

The PCs are presently configured with the software shown here. Their primary uses include:

Test Equipment (Listed by lab bench)

Bench: A
Oscilloscope Rohde & Schwarz RTE 1054
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Bench: B
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO7104B
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Bench: C
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3034A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Dual Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6234A
Bench: D (Power)
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 6004A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Triple Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6235A
Digital Power Analyzer Valhalla Scientific 2101
DC Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6632A
DC Electronic Load Agilent 6060B
kW Power Supply Sorensen DCS 20-50
Bench: E
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3034A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Bench: F
Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer Teledyne LeCroy HDO 4054-MS
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Bench: G (power)
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 6004A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Triple Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6235A
DC Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6632A
DC Electronic Load Hewlett-Packard 6060B
Current Probe Amplifier Tektronix AM 503
Bench: H (RF)
Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Tektronix MDO4054B-3
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
S-Parameter Network Analyzer Hewlett-Packard 8753ES
S-Parameter Test Set Hewlett-Packard 85047A
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Signal Generator Hewlett-Packard 8657B
Bench: I
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO7104B
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Dual Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6234A
Bench: J (RF)
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO7104B
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Triple Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6235A
DC Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6632A
Network Analyzer Hewlett-Packard 8751A
S-Parameter Test Set Hewlett-Packard 87511A
Bench: K
Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer Teledyne LeCroy HDO 4054-MS
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Dual Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6234A
Bench: L (RF)
Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Tektronix MDO4054B-3
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Vector Signal Analyzer Agilent 89441A
RF Section Hewlett-Packard 89440A
Signal Generator Hewlett-Packard 8657B
Precision LCR Meter Hewlett-Packard 4284A
Bench: M
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO7104B
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Bench: N
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3034A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Bench: O
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3034A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series
Pulse Generator Hewlett-Packard 8011A
Triple Output Power Supply Hewlett-Packard 6235A
Communications Receiver AOR AR5000
Bench: P
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3034A
Digital Multimeter Keysight 34461A
Triple Output DC Power Supply Keysight E3631A
Waveform Generator Agilent 33500B Series

UV Sensor and Alert System - Skin Protection

Liz Boehning, Gavin Chan, Jimmy Huh

UV Sensor and Alert System - Skin Protection

Featured Project

Team Members:

- Elizabeth Boehning (elb5)

- Gavin Chan (gavintc2)

- Jimmy Huh (yeaho2)

# Problem

Too much sun exposure can lead to sunburn and an increased risk of skin cancer. Without active and mindful monitoring, it can be difficult to tell how much sun exposure one is getting and when one needs to seek protection from the sun, such as applying sunscreen or getting into shady areas. This is even more of an issue for those with fair skin, but also can be applicable to prevent skin damage for everyone, specifically for those who spend a lot of time outside for work (construction) or leisure activities (runners, outdoor athletes).

# Solution

Our solution is to create a wristband that tracks UV exposure and alerts the user to reapply sunscreen or seek shade to prevent skin damage. By creating a device that tracks intensity and exposure to harmful UV light from the sun, the user can limit their time in the sun (especially during periods of increased UV exposure) and apply sunscreen or seek shade when necessary, without the need of manually tracking how long the user is exposed to sunlight. By doing so, the short-term risk of sunburn and long-term risk of skin cancer is decreased.

The sensors/wristbands that we have seen only provide feedback in the sense of color changing once a certain exposure limit has been reached. For our device, we would like to also input user feedback to actively alert the user repeatedly to ensure safe extended sun exposure.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1 - Sensor Interface

This subsystem contains the UV sensors. There are two types of UV wavelengths that are damaging to human skin and reach the surface of Earth: UV-A and UV-B. Therefore, this subsystem will contain two sensors to measure each of those wavelengths and output a voltage for the MCU subsystem to interpret as energy intensity. The following sensors will be used:

- GUVA-T21GH -

- GUVB-T21GH -

## Subsystem 2 - MCU

This subsystem will include a microcontroller for controlling the device. It will take input from the sensor interface, interpret the input as energy intensity, and track how long the sensor is exposed to UV. When applicable, the MCU will output signals to the User Interface subsystem to notify the user to take action for sun exposure and will input signals from the User Interface subsystem if the user has put on sunscreen.

## Subsystem 3 - Power

This subsystem will provide power to the system through a rechargeable, lithium-ion battery, and a switching boost converter for the rest of the system. This section will require some consultation to ensure the best choice is made for our device.

## Subsystem 4 - User Interface

This subsystem will provide feedback to the user and accept feedback from the user. Once the user has been exposed to significant UV light, this subsystem will use a vibration motor to vibrate and notify the user to put on more sunscreen or get into the shade. Once they have done so, they can press a button to notify the system that they have put on more sunscreen, which will be sent as an output to the MCU subsystem.

We are looking into using one of the following vibration motors:

- TEK002 -

- DEV-11008 -

# Criterion For Success

- Last at least 16 hours on battery power

- Accurately measures amount of time and intensity of harmful UV light

- Notifies user of sustained UV exposure (vibration motor) and resets exposure timer if more sunscreen is applied (button is pressed)