
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
Alfredo Sanchez Sanchez
Francis Mui
Ran Wang
Ruhao Xia design_document1.pdf
**Problem**: Home parties often involve playing music. In order for the parties to be more exciting and attractive, a light system that change accordingly to the genre of the music can be added.
Proposed Solution: A system that automatically detects the sounds in a room and filters out the music being played, specify its genre, and controls the light's color, etc., to meet the music.
-**Detection Subsystem**: Sound sensors with an embedded DSP algorithm to detect and recognize if there's music being played in the environment, and send the recorded music to the control part. We are currently thinking about starting with available DSP algorithms for the music detection part. Some researches we are looking into include "Realtime Chord Recognition of Musical Sound: a System Using Common Lisp Music" by Takuya Fujishima, "Efficient Pitch Detection Techniques for Interactive Music" by Patricio de la Cuadra, and "Low-complexity Music Detection Algorithm and System" by Yang Gao.

-**Control Subsystem**: Compare the received data to the music pre-stored in a database, recognize the music's characteristics, and control the light patterns accordingly.

-**Light Subsystem**: Color changing LED light array. Behaves as a normal fluorescent lamp when no music is detected. The music sync LED strip lights that are on the market are designed primarily for specific uses like parties. They need to be powered and manually set up before each use and turn off the room lights, which is inconvenient. Our proposed project is more like an intrinsic setting for the room. It;s supposed to actively detect music in the environment, and when not in use, it will behave like a fluorescent lamp that we use every day. For a personal use example, if the user wants to play some comforting music and have a matching lighting condition, the system will automatically switch to gradually changing warm lights. When hosting parties, the lights can form more complex patterns with "enthusiastic" colors.

-**Power Subsystem**: Power distribution from the wall outlet to all the other subsystems.

**Additional Features**: Time permitting, we would like to add additional features to the control subsystem, including a user interface through which the user can switch between party and personal modes. In party mode, the system will behave more "enthusiastically", using warmer colors and changing color patterns with respect to the music's rhythm, pace and genre. Under personal mode, the system will be single-color, changes more gradually.

Electronic Replacement for COVID-19 Building Monitors @ UIUC

Patrick McBrayer, Zewen Rao, Yijie Zhang

Featured Project

Team Members: Patrick McBrayer, Yijie Zhang, Zewen Rao

Problem Statement:

Students who volunteer to monitor buildings at UIUC are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19 itself, and passing it on to others before they are aware of the infection. Due to this, I propose a project that would create a technological solution to this issue using physical 2-factor authentication through the “airlock” style doorways we have at ECEB and across campus.

Solution Overview:

As we do not have access to the backend of the Safer Illinois application, or the ability to use campus buildings as a workspace for our project, we will be designing a proof of concept 2FA system for UIUC building access. Our solution would be composed of two main subsystems, one that allows initial entry into the “airlock” portion of the building using a scannable QR code, and the other that detects the number of people that entered the space, to determine whether or not the user will be granted access to the interior of the building.

Solution Components:

Subsystem #1: Initial Detection of Building Access

- QR/barcode scanner capable of reading the code presented by the user, that tells the system whether that person has been granted or denied building access. (An example of this type of sensor: (

- QR code generator using C++/Python to support the QR code scanner.

- Microcontroller to receive the information from the QR code reader and decode the information, then decide whether to unlock the door, or keep it shut. (The microcontroller would also need an internal timer, as we plan on encoding a lifespan into the QR code, therefore making them unusable after 4 days).

- LED Light to indicate to the user whether or not access was granted.

- Electronic locking mechanism to open both sets of doors.

Subsystem #2: Airlock Authentication of a Single User

- 2 aligned sensors ( one tx and other is rx) on the bottom of the door that counts the number of people crossing a certain line. (possibly considering two sets of these, so the person could not jump over, or move under the sensors. Most likely having the second set around the middle of the door frame.

- Microcontroller to decode the information provided by the door sensors, and then determine the number of people who have entered the space. Based on this information we can either grant or deny access to the interior building.

- LED Light to indicate to the user if they have been granted access.

- Possibly a speaker at this stage as well, to tell the user the reason they have not been granted access, and letting them know the

incident has been reported if they attempted to let someone into the building.

Criterion of Success:

- Our system generates valid QR codes that can be read by our scanner, and the data encoded such as lifespan of the code and building access is transmitted to the microcontroller.

- Our 2FA detection of multiple entries into the space works across a wide range of users. This includes users bound to wheelchairs, and a wide range of heights and body sizes.