
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
50 Indoor noise monitor
Quan Liu
William Xu
Ziyao Li
Zhen Qin design_document1.pdf
Team Members: William Xu (wxu39), Ziyao Li (ziyaoli2), Quan Liu (quanliu2)

Project Name: Indoor noise monitor

Previous idea post:

Maintaining acceptable noise levels in crowded areas such as apartments has always been an issue. Some people like to live in quiet environments and are easily disturbed by their neighbors. However, most apartments don’t control the noise well. We need a product for landlords to maintain a quiet environment so that tenants will have a good living experience.

We want to create a device that can detect noise levels inside the apartment and will first give warnings(alarm and blinking light) that the guest/tenant is being too noisy and eventually a notification to the device’s administrator. This device would be able to be used by people such as landlords who want to ensure a quiet living environment. The device will have certain adjustable thresholds such as an average of 90 dB lasting for 1 minute during the daytime. Our device will be different than others because of the many adjustable parameters such as time of day and sound threshold as well as an advanced warning system.

Our device will have 5 different subsystems.
The first one is the noise sensor(e.g. omnidirectional microphone).
The second one is the warning subsystem(e.g. microcontroller that will take in noise level in decibel by finding the average noise level over a certain adjustable period of time and will determine whether to give a warning based on the time of the day and other parameters, it will also determine when to alert the landlord after a certain amount of warnings).
The third one is the subsystem that will alert the people indoor(sound alarms or some lights). The fourth one is the device that will be able to connect to a cellphone using Bluetooth (reach goal: wireless network or something similar to be able to send a message to a longer distance) to alert the administrator after several warnings.
The fifth one is the power subsystem that supports the energy use of the whole device.

Pocket Pedal - A Bluetooth Controlled Effects Box

Kaan Erel, Alexander Van Dorn, Jacob Waterman

Pocket Pedal - A Bluetooth Controlled Effects Box

Featured Project

Our idea is to make an inexpensive alternative to traditional pedal powered guitar effects boxes. Essentially, we hope to implement a single aftermarket effects box that can be remote controlled via a mobile app. This low-power, Bluetooth connected application can control the box to change effects on the go. The hardware within the effects box will be able to alter the guitar's signals to create different sounds like echoing, looping, and distortion effects (and possibly more). These effects will be implemented using analog circuits that we will design and construct to be controlled by an app on your phone.

This project eliminates the expensive buy-in for a guitarist hoping to sound like any number of famous musicians with multiple effects pedals. On top of this, it also aims to get rid of the clutter that comes with the numerous pedals and boxes connected to an amplifier. Many pedals today don't even have a visual interface to select effects through some sort of menu. The app will also provide a much more handy and portable visual representation of the possible effects all from the phone in your pocket!


Jacob Waterman jwaterm2

Kaan Erel erel2

Alex Van Dorn vandorn2