
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
Evan Dawson
Homero Vazquez
Michael Tzeng
Akshatkumar Sanatbhai Sanghvi design_document3.pdf

Team Members:
- Evan Dawson (evanfd2)
- Michael Tzeng (mhtzeng2)

# Problem

Heating up liquids like soup or water can be time consuming and inconvenient with the need for a pot or kettle. These solutions involve the transfer of the hot liquid to another container that is usually thermally insulated to keep the liquid warm.

# Solution

We are proposing a unique all in one induction heating solution in the form of a water bottle that will heat up your desired liquid and keep it warm. The bottle includes multiple shells that insulate and heat the liquid, as well as protect the user from the heated shell. The user can also select the desired temperature and view the current temperature of the liquid in the bottle with our UI.

# Solution Components

## Shell 1: Liquid holding container/Heat Transfer layer
- One way heat transfer, high melting point, non inductive material
- Copper, aluminum, brass
- Temperature Sensors connected at heat transfer points, which then connect to the temperature control unit.
- TMP36GT9Z (analog temperature sensor)
- These temperature sensors control ventilation system states to ensure single-directional average heat transfer.

## Shell 2: Inductive System Layer
- High melting point, easily heated material with a vacuum inside to isolate the magnetic coils from the rest of the design.
- Steel or Iron is a heavier material, but more Ideal for this application
- Complex ventilation system built within this layer
- Electrical components stored outside of the magnetic area, but with access to the ventilation system.

## Shell 3: Protection/Outside
- Stainless Steel, low heat conduction, light, cheap, easily molded, perfect for protecting the inductive layer from outside interference.
- Ventilation system is integrated to have points of exit around the stainless steel layer.
- UI/Display integrated into steel mold.

## Induction Subsystem
- Induction generator that supplies power to the battery subsystem and induction coils. Generator also receives power from the battery subsystem for initial start.
- Induction coils will surround the heat transfer layer, and be divided in three places (bottom, middle and top of the bottle) to avoid coils overheating
- Induction Generator includes Electromechanical and/or Electromagnetic energy conversion components, for multiple methods of charging.

## Battery Subsystem
- Rechargeable battery powered by induction generator (can also supply energy to generator once battery has recharged)
- AA/AAA battery as primary power source to start induction generator

## User Interface + Processing Unit
- Flexible LED display that shows the current temperature or desired temperature of liquid
- Flexibility allows for wrapping around the circular shaped bottle

- Buttons that allow user to select desired temperature of liquid

- Custom processor that bridges between user input and bottle display, routes temperature data to LED display, and calculates desired temperature based on user input
- Communicates to induction generator when to supply power and when to stop

# Criterion For Success
## Temperature Control
Bottle must be able to maintain a given temperature value (70°-150° F/ 294.261 K - 338.706 K)
Bottle must have a heating system in place to raise or lower temperature at will.
This will be done with a series of induction heating coils, and a ventilation system to send heat into liquid through a conductive material or release heat into the outside world.

## Rechargeable Battery
Power source for the Temperature control and other aspects of the bottle must be reusable/rechargeable in order to avoid replacing the battery and ensure long-term use.
An Induction Generator, which can use a magnetic induction system to charge the battery on a wireless pad, or an Electromechanical energy conversion system to harness the motion of users to induce a moving magnetic field.
The moving magnetic field would be used to generate current for the induction coils and for recharging the battery.


Srinija Kakumanu, Justin Naal, Danny Rymut

Featured Project

**Problem:** When working out at home, without a trainer, it’s hard to maintain good form. Working out without good form over time can lead to injury and strain.

**Solution:** A mat to use during at-home workouts that will give feedback on your form while you're performing a variety of bodyweight exercises (multiple pushup variations, squats, lunges,) by analyzing pressure distributions and placement.

**Solution Components:**

**Subsystem 1: Mat**

- This will be built using Velostat.

- The mat will receive pressure inputs from the user.

- Velostat is able to measure pressure because it is a piezoresistive material and the more it is compressed the lower the resistance becomes. By tracking pressure distribution it will be able to analyze certain aspects of the form and provide feedback.

- Additionally, it can assist in tracking reps for certain exercises.

- The mat would also use an ultrasonic range sensor. This would be used to track reps for exercises, such as pushups and squats, where the pressure placement on the mat may not change making it difficult for the pressure sensors to track.

- The mat will not be big enough to put both feet and hands on it. Instead when you are doing pushups you would just be putting your hands on it

**Subsystem 2: Power**

- Use a portable battery back to power the mat and data transmitter subsystems.

**Subsystem 3: Data transmitter**

- Information collected from the pressure sensors in the mat will be sent to the mobile app via Bluetooth. The data will be sent to the user’s phone so that we can help the user see if the exercise is being performed safely and correctly.

**Subsystem 4: Mobile App**

- When the user first gets the mat they will be asked to perform all the supported exercises and put it their height and weight in order to calibrate the mat.

- This is where the user would build their circuit of exercises and see feedback on their performance.

- How pressure will indicate good/bad form: in the case of squats, there would be two nonzero pressure readings and if the readings are not identical then we know the user is putting too much weight on one side. This indicates bad form. We will use similar comparisons for other moves

- The most important functions of this subsystem are to store the calibration data, give the user the ability to look at their performances, build out exercise circuits and set/get reminders to work out

**Criterion for Success**

- User Interface is clear and easy to use.

- Be able to accurately and consistently track the repetitions of each exercise.

- Sensors provide data that is detailed/accurate enough to create beneficial feedback for the user


- Designing a circuit using velostat will be challenging because there are limited resources available that provide instruction on how to use it.

- We must also design a custom PCB that is able to store the sensor readings and transmit the data to the phone.