
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
23 Holographic LED Display
Amar Patel
Rishab Sriramoju
Sriram Rameshbabu
William Zhang design_document1.pdf
# Team Members
Amar Patel (apate377) - in-person, Rishab Sriramoju (rishabs3) - online, Sriram Rameshbabu (sriramr2) - online

# Overview (Problem/Idea)
We want to make devices in our own homes much cooler looking and can be used as a replacement from looking at your own phone for notifications or time, etc.. We want to create a display of LEDs and sensors that are rotating in some fashion such that it can look holographic and we want to display the current time or a message from a phone such that a person can look at something really nice while also not looking at their phones and can be a nice addition to one's room (we want to be able to program whatever we want to see onto our hardware display).

# Solution Components

## Multicolored Micro LEDs
These are the colored LEDs that will have a fast enough refresh rate (**400 Hz**) for the purpose of this project. They will be blinking based on our discretion and will include all the primary colors in order to make the display accurate.

## Hall Sensor & Magnets
The hall sensor/magnet is used to calculate the RPM of our LEDs and to make sure that the refresh rate is being maintained at the right speed. When a magnet is detected (placed below our device), it will act as a checkpoint in which we are able to figure out the rpm correctly, so every time the sensor goes over the magnet, we can calculate a motion correctly.

## DC Motor
The DC motor is used for the rotational component for our project. We will have to calculate the current that is needed in order to generate a feasible RPM motor speed.

## Microcontroller (Arduino) + On/Off Switch
This is what we will use in order to make sure that we can correctly translate what we want onto the display of the LEDs. This involves text and clock which can be useful to display. This controller will also have information from the hall sensor and will be the crux of being able to regulate our LEDs. We need to attach an on/off switch to make sure that we can regulate our system.

## Propellor and base
This part will be 3-D printed based on the size of LEDs (strip portion) and the microcontroller itself. The propellor will contain the LEDs, battery, and the controller itself.

## Customisable Web App + Metrics
This is a web app which can allow the user to change settings and determine what text is displayed, the time, etc.. This will be synced to the Arduino and we can also collect metrics such as the amount of current used, RPM speed, color (if a user wants to change the LED display's color, then we can change that directly), increase/decrease RPM from web app and then reflect those changes onto the LED display.

# Criterion for Success
We want our device to be able to mimic our holographic display as mentioned above. The criterion that can be used for our success if we are able to display the time and the text at a frequency of at least **400 Hz** and should be seen in place and have a clean look. We want to be able to give the user functionality directly from a web app such as be able to have a text box that can take in input for letters such that they can be displayed directly (synced to Arduino) as well as time. We also want to be able to calculate certain metrics and display them to the user at all times as well as be able to change the color of the display per discretion and to increase/decrease the RPM speed directly from the web app itself. As a stretch goal, we would like to be able to sync our microcontroller with our phone directly for notifications or calls and be able to signal the user. For example, if a user is being called, our device can immediately blink green and maybe even play some music in the background.

# Contingency Plan
We will make sure to get the 3-D printed parts beforehand such that if the campus closes or if we are restricted from some resources, we can have the parts ready in time and also find usable substitutes. Apart from that, we have the proper equipment at home in order to get this done.

Drum Tutor Lite

Zhen Qin, Yuanheng Yan, Xun Yu

Drum Tutor Lite

Featured Project

Team: Yuanheng Yan, Zhen Qin, Xun Yu

Vision: Rhythm games such as guitar hero are much easier than playing the actual drums. We want to make a drum tutor that makes playing drums as easy as guitar hero. The player is not required to read a sheet music.

Description: We will build a drum add-on that will tutor people how to play the drums. We will make a panel for visual queue of the drum and beats in a form similar to guitar hero game. The panel can be a N*10 (N varying with the drum kit) led bar array. Each horizontal bar will be a beat and each horizontal line above the bottom line will represent the upcoming beats.

There will be sensors on each drum that will fire when the drum heads is hit. The drums will be affixed with ring of light that provides the timing and accuracy of the player according to the sensors.

Of course with a flip of a switch, the drum could be a simple light up drum: when the player hits the drum, that particular drum will light up giving cool effects.

The system will be on a microprocessor. Or for more versatile uses, it could be connected to the computer. And a app will be written for the tutor.

Project Videos