
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
59 Bluetooth Controlled Ouija Board
Luke Staunton
Nikhil Mathews
Oluwatobi Ijose
Jacob Bryan design_document0.pdf
Luke Staunton - stauntn2

Oluwatobi Ijose - okijose2

My partner and I are trying to develop a Ouija board magic trick, where someone can control the position of the Ouija board planchette. The panchette would contain hidden pieces of metal, and the board itself would have an electromagnet inside that is repositioned by two moving rails. This electromagnet would be able to stay hidden while moving the panchette "magically". This electromagnet will need to have its power controlled by a bjt circuit in order to provided the needed current. The rails would each be controlled by linear feedback control systems using IR displacement sensors. These rail control systems and the magnet BJT circuit would be controlled by a micro controller connected to a bluetooth receiver (all on PCB we design).

The receiver (we plan to purpose the HC-05 Bluetooth Module) would connect to an iPhone app that we would develop and send a PWM to the controller that would tell it to turn on the magnet and move up, down, left or right, or turn off the magnet. As of now we are imagining it to be powered from an electrical outlet as opposed to batteries for simplicity.

We would love to hear feedback on the idea, especially related to bluetooth experiences people have had. We are currently considering the HC-05 Bluetooth Module as our means of BT control and researching microcontrollers (possibly MSP430G2 MCU) to use on the final design. But we plan on using an arduino for the development phase.

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Michael Fatina, Jonathan Pan-Doh, Edward Wu

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Featured Project

According to the WHO, 80% of amputees are in developing nations, and less than 3% of that 80% have access to rehabilitative care. In a study by Heidi Witteveen, “the lack of sensory feedback was indicated as one of the major factors of prosthesis abandonment.” A low cost myoelectric prosthetic hand interfaced with a sensory substitution system returns functionality, increases the availability to amputees, and provides users with sensory feedback.

We will work with Aadeel Akhtar to develop a new iteration of his open source, low cost, myoelectric prosthetic hand. The current revision uses eight EMG channels, with sensors placed on the residual limb. A microcontroller communicates with an ADC, runs a classifier to determine the user’s type of grip, and controls motors in the hand achieving desired grips at predetermined velocities.

As requested by Aadeel, the socket and hand will operate independently using separate microcontrollers and interface with each other, providing modularity and customizability. The microcontroller in the socket will interface with the ADC and run the grip classifier, which will be expanded so finger velocities correspond to the amplitude of the user’s muscle activity. The hand microcontroller controls the motors and receives grip and velocity commands. Contact reflexes will be added via pressure sensors in fingertips, adjusting grip strength and velocity. The hand microcontroller will interface with existing sensory substitution systems using the pressure sensors. A PCB with a custom motor controller will fit inside the palm of the hand, and interface with the hand microcontroller.

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