
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
50 Urban Noise Pollution Monitoring System
Cj Kompare
Cornell Horne
Marc Rhymes
Surya Vasanth design_document2.pdf
# Urban Noise pollution Monitoring system

Team Members:
- CJ Kompare (kompare3)
- Cornell Horne (chorne7)
- Marc Rhymes (mrhymes2)

# Problem:
Cities face escalating issues related to noise pollution, affecting the well-being of residents and the environment. Traditional methods of noise monitoring lack granularity and real-time adaptability, hindering effective intervention strategies.

# Solution:
Develop a comprehensive Urban Noise Pollution Monitoring System that employs wireless, battery-powered microphones strategically placed outdoors. This system will utilize a concentrator or gateway to collect and process data from distributed microphones, providing accurate and real-time noise pollution insights for urban planning and environmental conservation.

# Solution Components:

- Wireless, Battery-Powered Microphones
- Concentrator/Gateway Device
- Centralized Data Processing Platform
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- User Interface (Web Application)

# Subsystem 1: Wireless, Battery-Powered Microphones:
Deploy multiple wireless, battery-powered microphones an area to capture diverse noise sources. Ensure these microphones are durable, weather-resistant, and equipped with noise level sensing capabilities.

# Subsystem 2: Concentrator/Gateway Device:
Implement a concentrator or gateway device to receive, aggregate, and forward data from all distributed microphones. This device will serve as the central hub for data collection and transmission.

# Subsystem 3: Centralized Data Processing Platform:
Develop a centralized platform for processing and analyzing noise data received from the concentrator. This platform will perform real-time noise level calculations, identify patterns, and store historical data for future analysis.

# Subsystem 4: Geographic Information System (GIS):
Integrate a GIS component to map noise levels spatially, allowing for visual representations of noise distribution across the city. This would enhance and support targeted noise reduction initiatives.

# Subsystem 5: User Interface (Web Application):
Develop a web application for users to visualize noise data. The interface should provide real-time updates, historical trends, and customizable features for specific areas of interest.

# Criteria for Success:

Hourly Data Reporting: The system should successfully report noise data to the central web application every hour, providing a consistent and reliable stream of information for analysis and decision-making.

Real-time Monitoring: Achieve real-time noise level monitoring with a latency of no more than 5 minutes, ensuring users have timely access to critical noise pollution information.

Accuracy of Noise Identification: Ensure an accuracy rate of at least 90% in identifying noise sources, allowing for precise insights into the types and sources of noise affecting urban areas.

Drum Tutor Lite

Zhen Qin, Yuanheng Yan, Xun Yu

Drum Tutor Lite

Featured Project

Team: Yuanheng Yan, Zhen Qin, Xun Yu

Vision: Rhythm games such as guitar hero are much easier than playing the actual drums. We want to make a drum tutor that makes playing drums as easy as guitar hero. The player is not required to read a sheet music.

Description: We will build a drum add-on that will tutor people how to play the drums. We will make a panel for visual queue of the drum and beats in a form similar to guitar hero game. The panel can be a N*10 (N varying with the drum kit) led bar array. Each horizontal bar will be a beat and each horizontal line above the bottom line will represent the upcoming beats.

There will be sensors on each drum that will fire when the drum heads is hit. The drums will be affixed with ring of light that provides the timing and accuracy of the player according to the sensors.

Of course with a flip of a switch, the drum could be a simple light up drum: when the player hits the drum, that particular drum will light up giving cool effects.

The system will be on a microprocessor. Or for more versatile uses, it could be connected to the computer. And a app will be written for the tutor.

Project Videos