
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
33 Household Device Ecosystem
Ian Goodwin
John Armgardt
Samuel Atac
Ali Kourani design_document3.pdf
# Team Members:
John Armgardt (johnra2), Sam Atac (satac2), Ian Goodwin (img3)
# Project Name:
Household Device Ecosystem
# Problem Description:
Various household devices lack some sort of device that allows a resident to check up on it or use it without going up to it physically. For example, a resident may be unaware if a door is locked, if a washing/drying machine is still running or is complete, if an oven is preheated or if the food in the oven is at the correct temperature, etc. Some of these items can be upgraded to a proper smart device, but that will come at the cost of several hundred dollars.
# Solution Proposal:
We would create several cheap sensors that would determine the status of one of these devices, and potentially change its status. We could use a solenoid to lock or unlock a door. We could use an accelerometer to see if a washing/drying machine is in use. We could use a thermometer to determine an oven's (or food's) internal temperature. Some of these sensors may exist already, but we would also have these sensors connect to the internet to transmit the information to a web server. We would then build an application on a computer or phone to display this data. This way, the user has all of the information in one convenient place. This could then be easily expanded to add other features, like an alert when something is complete. It could also be easily expanded into allowing for other sensors for other devices, like if the lights are left on in a room for example.
# Solution Components:
Our solution consists of three Subsystems: a series of sensor modules, a Web Server and a Web App.
## Subsystem #1: Sensor Modules
Each Sensor module will have a single board computer such as a raspberry pi zero and a sensor/actuator such as a thermometer, accelerometer or solenoid. The single board computer will receive the data from the sensor, and transmit it to the Web Server via wifi.
## Subsystem #2: Web App
The Web App will serve as a user interface to provide sensor data and interactivity with any actuators or mechanical parts.
## Subsystem #3: Web Server
The Web Server will accept data from the Sensor Modules, store that data in a database and then output current and historical data to the Web App.
# Criterion for Success:
Our criterion for success would include at least 3 functional IOT sensor modules, each of these being tested for functionality in their given task (ex: dryer accelerometer). These would be able to successfully push data to a web server. The web server should include a stable server side database implementation with ability to add and remove sensors, and an API to interact with the sensors and webapp. The webapp should consist of an easy to use UI that displays data from all the sensors, and allows the user to interact with any that have user controlled functionality. (ex: remote lockable door)

Smart Patient Gown for Monitoring ECG signals

Michael Luka, Siddharth Muthal, Raj Vinjamuri

Smart Patient Gown for Monitoring ECG signals

Featured Project

Mike, Raj, and Sid created a "Smart Patient Gown for Monitoring ECG/EKG Signals" to improve doctor and nurse workflow and to create a platform for further improved healthcare instrumentation interface.

This project featured:

-Wireless data transmission

-Real-time ECG/EKG Analysis and Diagnostics

-Visual feedback on a patient gown

-Low power circuitry

-Improved comfort compared to current portable ECG devices

Project Videos