CS173: Discrete Structures

Spring 2009   Margaret Fleck and Eric Shaffer


Here is the skills list for the final exam and the final exam from last term. Be aware that question 6 on last term's final doesn't match what we covered this term, so don't be surprised if you can't do it.

Quiz 3 grades are now available on compass. Here is information on how to interpret your score.

Here are the solutions for the third quiz.

The third quiz will be in class, Wednesdays April 29th Here is its skills list .

Scores for the second midterm are now available on compass. Here is information on how to interpret your score.

Here are the solutions for the second midterm.

The second midterm will be held in class, Wednesday April 8th. Here is the skills list to help you study for it. Also, here's the midterm from last term and its model solutions. Notice that the topics for that midterm included the start of counting, which we won't cover on this exam.

Grades for the second quiz are now available on compass. The quizzes themselves will be returned in lecture Wednesday. Here is some information on how to interpret your score.

Here are the model solutions for the second quiz.

Our final exam is 1:30-4:30pm, Tuesday May 12th, in 1LH-THEAT. The conflict exam is 8-11am, Wednesday May 13th, in 1404 Siebel.

The second quiz will be Wednesday March 18th, towards the end of in lecture. To help you study, here is a list of skills, the second quiz from last fall and its model solutions. There are some differences in topic coverage from last term, but they are all small.

Scores for the first midterm are now available on compass. Here is some information on how to interpret your score.

Here are the solutions to the first midterm.

Scores for the first quiz are now available on compass. Here is some summary information to help you interpret your score.

The first midterm will be held in class, Wednesday February 25th. Be sure to come to lecture, come on time, and bring a photo ID. It will be a closed-book exam (no book, notes, etc).

To help you study, here is a skills list, the first midterm from last term and its model solutions. There have been some small changes in topic coverage between the two terms, but the general look-and-feel of the exam should be similar.

Please tell Margaret ASAP about any conflicts with the midterm or if you need any special arrangements (e.g. due to a disability). If you have a short transit time, you may need to leave the previous class early (and explain yourself to the other instructor). If that class is also having an exam on the 25th, report this to us as a conflict. For last-minute problems such as illness, contact us as soon as you reasonably can.

Here are the model solutions for the first quiz.

The first quiz will be Wednesday February 11th, in lecture. It will be held towards the end of class, due to the large number of people hiking from classes far far away. Here is a list of skills to help in studying for it.

There will be two midterms and a final, plus three quizzes. Dates for most of these are on the Lectures web page. The date of the final is still uncertain, because it's combined between the two sections.