Grading and Exams

Test Dates

Homework Grading Scheme

  • There are 7 MPs, each worth 7 percent of the final grade (total: 49 percent).
  • “Best 6.5/7” plan: your final MP grade is the sum of 6 highest MPs, plus 0.5 times the lowest one.
  • Each MP is graded on a 14-point scale, with the following points:
    • Narrative: Submit, with your MP, a three-page narrative. Your narrative should have the following sections:
      • Introduction (3 points): is this MP performing signal understanding or signal generation? What is the algorithm that this MP introduces for the purpose of signal understanding or generation? In what other types of applications could the same understanding/generation algorithm be used?
      • Theoretical Basis (3 points): for each MP, there will be two articles that you are supposed to read. Choose one equation from either of those two articles, and describe how that equation has been implemented in your code. Show the lines of code, specify the variables, and say (in words) what it means.
      • Results and Discussion (3 points): Give your complete results, in a table or chart. Your results should be correct. They should make sense: pick one pair of numbers from your results, and write down a hypothesis or explanation specifying a physical or mathematical origin for the difference in those two numbers (why one of the numbers is larger than the other).
    • Code (6 points):
      • Provide your software in the form of a directory that has been zipped or tgz'd. The TA should be able to unpack your archive using unzip or tar xzvf, then cd into the directory, and type run(datadir). There should be a function in your directory called run.m that will read the distributed data files from directory datadir (a string variable containing the directory name), and that will then generate exactly the same plots and/or tables that were in your narrative report.
      • Originality: the TA will choose three lines from your code listing, at random, and will enter them into an internet search engine. If there is a hit, then you will lose points (up to 14) proportional to the fraction of your code that seems to have been copied. Similarly, if two people turn in identical code, both will lose points proportional to the amount of overlap. In this class it is acceptable to have your code be identically structured with that of a friend or an on-line source, but you must cite the source (give the name of your classmate if you worked together), and you must use different variable names and punctuation and line breaks (code that seems to be the result of working together is explicitly allowed; code that seems to be the result of cut-and-paste will lose points).
  • Extra Credit: Bonus points are available on many of the MPs. Each correctly completed bonus section adds up to 1 percent to your cumulative course total. Some MPs have one bonus section, some have two, some have none.
  • If you hand in homework late, without a good reason for doing so, your score will be reduced 10 percent each day from deadline.

Exam Grading Scheme

  • There are 3 exams, each worth 17 percent of the final grade (total: 51 percent).
  • “Best 2.5/3” plan: your final exam grade is the sum of 2 highest exams, plus 0.5 times the lowest one.