
All homework assignments consist of two parts, a written section and a programming section. The purpose of the written section is for you to derive the necessary components in the programming part.


How to submit

Written Section:

For the written assignment portion, please write on a piece of paper and box your final answer. On the top right corner of your submission include 1) ECE544NA Fall 2017, 2) Name, 3) NetID, and 4) Assignment #. Written assignments are due at the beginning of class; we will stop accepting homework 10 minutes into the class.

Please write as clearly as possible, illegible solution may result in loss of points; Feel free to typeset your solution in [link].

Programming Section:

Programming assignments will be distributed in a svn repository. We will use the program that is checked in the svn at (11:59pm CDT) on the due day as your submission. Any updates after the deadline will not be graded.

Please take note of the running time when implementing your solution, we will termintate the autograder if your solution runs more than 5 times slower than our implementation.

Additionally, please use pep8 to follow the python coding style convention. Failure to follow the style guide will result in deduction of points for the programming section.

Academic Honesty

Late Homework Policy

Late homework will not be accepted after the due date.