Google Cloud Platform Guide

Corresponding TA: Teck Yian Lim

Google Cloud Platform Guide


This tutorial is meant to be a guide for you to run your models on Google Cloud Platform’s Machine Learning engine. If you have written your code in a clean way, all you’ll have to do is to copy your training data over onto Google’s server, provide a config file and you should be able to run your code on Google’s servers without problems.


TLDR Guide

  1. Create project with ML and Cloud Compute APIs enabled
  2. Copy data to Google Cloud Storage
  3. Start training with gcloud ml-engine jobs submit ..., passing in GCS paths with gs://... instead of local paths

Directory Contents

Detailed Guide

  1. Setup a GCP Project, enable billing and API access.
  2. Switch/Configure your gcloud command line tools to your new project. (We will use Cloud Shell for the tutorial)
  3. Create a Bucket on Google Cloud Platform and copy examples over
  4. Create a config YAML that selects the type of instance to use. Examples are provided in config
  5. Training the model: (replace local paths with gs://<your-bucket> paths)

    gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training <job-name> \
    --package-path=<your-code-folder> \
    --module-name=<your-code-folder>.<your-training-code> \
    --staging-bucket=gs://<your-bucket> --region=us-central1 \
    --job-dir gs://<your-bucket>/<job-name> \
    --runtime-version 1.2 \
    --region us-central1 \
    --config=<your-config> \
    -- <args-for-your-code>
  6. Your model should now be queued onto Google’s servers. Logs can either be viewed through the GCP console or using `gcloud ml-engine jobs stream-logs `.
  7. Visualizing with Tensorboard works simply by replacing the local file path with the gs://... path.

    Preliminaries - Creating the GCP Project

  8. Create a Cloud Platform project on the Projects Page Create Project

  9. Enable billing for the project. (You should have a billing account created, either by redeeming a code or using the free trial provided by Google)
    1. Go to Cloud Platform Console
    2. Select the project that you have created
    3. On the left side menu, select Billing. Billing
    4. Click Link a billing account.
    5. Click Set Account.
  10. Finally, to run your code, you must enable API access from here, or manually search for Cloud Machine Learning and Google Compute Engine API.

Getting a Shell environment

IMPORTANT - Do not store important things on Cloud Shell! They can get deleted!

The gcloud command line tool, allows you to interact with Google’s compute resources from the command line. In this tutorial, we will use this command line tool to copy data onto the Google Cloud Storage server and to start the trainng job on the compute servers. We will be using Google Cloud Shell for this tutorial, you can also install the tool locally if you choose to do so.

It is important to note that the job does not actually run on the terminal that you started the job from, instead a request is sent to Google’s compute resources and the job is executed there. Closing your terminal, turning off your computer, etc does not affect the running of your job.

This terminal and it’s VM instance that’s started for you is temporary, and will cease to exist shortly after closing the browser tab. However, you do not have to worry as this is not the storage that your code will use.

Note: At the time of writing, GPUs are only available in the following regions:

Start Google Cloud shell for your project by clicking on the >_ icon in the top right hand corner of the console. You should see a prompt that looks like <username>@<project-name>. Once you see this, you can proceed to the next step.

Google Cloud Shell

Preparing and Copying data

In this guide, we will be training a digits classifier with the MNIST data set.

Creating Buckets for Data storage

Google Cloud storage locations are called Buckets. In order to store your training data, training output, checkpoints and logs, you will need to create a Bucket. This is the storage that your code will use. The code running on Google’s servers will NOT be able read or write to any of the files on your local hard drive, or the terminal that the job was started from.

gsutil mb -c regional -l us-central1 gs://ece544-example

This will create a bucket named ece544-example and it will automatically be associated with the active configuration.

You should see it appear in your Cloud Console’s Resources section.

Copy data to Buckets

  1. Download the provided code using git.
  2. Run the provided script script/create_records.
  3. This will create tfrecords for train, test and validation in /tmp/data/
  4. Copy these files over using
gsutil cp /tmp/data/train.tfrecords gs://ece544-example/data/
gsutil cp /tmp/data/test.tfrecords gs://ece544-example/data/
  1. You can check if your files are there using gsutil ls gs://ece544-example as per the ls command on Linux

Choosing a server config

The compute server choice is stored in a YAML file. Several examples are provided in the config directory. Feel free to try them out in the next step.

For GPU enabled servers, set scaleTier to CUSTOM. master-type allows you to choose the number of GPUs available, standard-gpu gives you a single GPU and complex_model_m_gpu gives you 4 GPUs. It’s also possible to start a distributed version with multiple servers and GPUs.

For more details, check out Google’s documentation. These options might change as Google add more compute capability to their platform.

Training the Model

Notice that in the example code provided in model, we used no hard coded paths and accepts all input and output paths as parameters. This will allow us to either run the model locally or on the cloud without any code changes.

This is a typical use of the command to run the model on the cloud

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training <job-name> \
--package-path=<your-code-folder> \
--module-name=<your-code-folder>.<your-training-code> \
--staging-bucket=gs://<your-bucket> --region=us-central1 \
--job-dir gs://<your-bucket>/<job-name> \
--runtime-version 1.2 \
--region us-central1 \
--config=<your-config> \
-- <args-for-your-code>

All your code should lie within <package-path> and that it has to be importable as a module. (i.e. have a file, which may be empty)

The module-name parameter is the actual script that you would run should you run the code locally.

The runtime-version parameter lets you choose the version of Tensorflow and accompanying libraries to use. At the time of writing, 1.0 and 1.2 are available. Refer to the documentation for further details.

Concretely, to run our example code,

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training ${JOB_NAME} \
    --package-path model \
    --module-name model.task \
    --staging-bucket gs://ece544-example \
    --job-dir gs://ece544-example/${JOB_NAME} \
    --runtime-version 1.2 \
    --region us-central1 \
    --config config/cloudml-cpu.yaml \
    -- \
    --data_dir gs://ece544-example/data \
    --output_dir gs://ece544-example/${JOB_NAME} \
    --train_steps 10000

After running this, you should see the following output:

Job [ece544_example_run1] submitted successfully.
Your job is still active. You may view the status of your job with the command

  $ gcloud ml-engine jobs describe ece544_example_run1

or continue streaming the logs with the command

  $ gcloud ml-engine jobs stream-logs ece544_example_run1
jobId: ece544_example_run1
state: QUEUED

Note: It might be good for you to name your jobs either with date and time or some labels reflecting your hyperpameter choice, git revision number, etc..

The job will not start immediately, but is instead queued onto the servers. It usually does not take too long for these jobs to begin, but this depends on the load on the servers. The ML Engine page will allow you to see your code running status apart from the commands suggested in the gcloud output previously.

Note: If you are trying to use GPUs, it seems the us-central1 has fewer GPUs and you might see an error saying that there is insufficient scaleTier resources. If so, try doing things in us-east1 instead.

Visualizing with Tensorboard

Once your job has began, you should be able to look at the output and and visualize the training using tensorboard as though running locally. Simply replace the local path with the output path you have specified in the previous command.

tensorboard --port 8080 --logdir gs://ece544-example/ece544_example_run1

Local specific issues: If you have built your own version of tensorflow, you might run into problems if you did not compile with CloudML option during configuration.

Cloud Shell Specific Notes: Instead of navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your browser, select Preview on port 8080 from the Web preview menu in the top-left corner of the Cloud Shell toolbar. This will open a new browser window with tensorboard.

Additional Notes

Install Google Cloud SDK or just use Cloud Shell?

Starting the job from Google Cloud Shell



To start Cloud Shell, click on the >_ icon in the top right of the navigation bar. If you are on a mobile phone, or have a really narrow browser window, it might be collapsed into a menu at the top right. Everything works as on a typical Linux shell environment. Download/clone and clone your code and data into the cloud shell VM and you will be good to go.

Note: You should see the prompt as <username>@<project-name>. If that’s not the case, close the shell and start it again. This might happen if the API access has not been fully enabled.

Install Google Cloud SDK locally



To use the gcloud tool, for running your code, and gsutil tool for managing and copying data, you will need to install the Cloud SDK on your machine.

  1. Follow OS specific instructions here
  2. Once installed, use type gcloud init to start configuration.
  3. Follow the on screen prompts and choose the project that you have created previously.
  4. Select Yes to configure Compute Engine and choose one of the us-central zones as default. (This does not really matter but choosing the closest server reduces latency. Same goes for choosing compute and storage buckets in the next few steps.)
  5. Run gcloud info to check if everything is in place. You should see something like this as part of the output:
	Current Properties:
	    project: [ece544-fa2017]
	    account: []
	    disable_usage_reporting: [True]
	    region: [us-central1]
	    zone: [us-central1-a]

Additional Resources