
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
6 Submarine Model
Wenpeng Zhang
Yikai Xu
Yiqin Li
Zhicong Zhang
Pavel Loskot
Zhicong Zhang
Yikai Xu yikaixu3
Yiqin Li yiqinli2
Wenpeng Zhang wenpeng4

Submarine Model
Request For Approval

Moving on the ground or on the water, or in the air is relatively easy. This may not be the case when moving in the water. A remote-controlled submarine model can be used to simulate the performance of real submarines in a complex environment, showing the working principles of submarines to help understanding submarine technology and marine science.

**Solution overview**
Our solution involves implementing the functionality of a submarine through a remote-control system, an automatic stabilization and dynamic system, and drainage system. Additionally, we require an electronic control MCU to process remote control commands sent from a distance and handle signals from sensors to achieve submarine balance. Our novelty lies in balance in complex underwater environment and avoiding collision.

**Solution component**
Sensor Subsystem:
1. Pressure and infrared distance sensors: Measure the depth and object distance at which the submarine is operating.
2. Motion sensors: Monitor the speed and acceleration of the submarine's three-dimensional motion.

Processing Subsystem:
1. Main Controller (Microcontroller): Responsible for processing and interpreting sensor data, controlling the submarine's movement and operations.
2. Communication Module: Facilitates data communication with an external base or command center, conveying submarine status and mission information.
3. Automatic Stabilization Module: Utilize sensor data and apply PID control algorithms to realize automatic stabilization.

Power Subsystem:
1.Battery and electric Motors: Control the propulsion and maneuvering of the submarine to adapt to different depths and aquatic conditions.

Mechanical Subsystem:
1. Cabin: Used to the house rest of the subsystems and keep water out.
2. Water storage tank: Control the total weight of the submarine.

**Criterion for success**

1. Effective waterproof functionality.
2. [novelty] System's stability. Maintain the hull's balance under different water conditions.
3. Stable ascension and descent.
4. Forward/backward movements.
5. Various operational modes. Each performs at different applications. Such as Obstacle avoidance, cruise control, etc. (optional)

**Distribution of Work**
Zhicong Zhang: Mechanical part
Yikai Xu: Remote controlling and MCU part
Yiqin Li: Electricals part and control system part
Wenpeng Zhang: Software part

Cypress Robot Kit

Featured Project

Cypress is looking to develop a robotic kit with the purpose of interesting the maker community in the PSOC and its potential. We will be developing a shield that will attach to a PSoC board that will interface to our motors and sensors. To make the shield, we will design our own PCB that will mount on the PSoC directly. The end product will be a remote controlled rover-like robot (through bluetooth) with sensors to achieve line following and obstacle avoidance.

The modules that we will implement:

- Motor Control: H-bridge and PWM control

- Bluetooth Control: Serial communication with PSoC BLE Module, and phone application

- Line Following System: IR sensors

- Obstacle Avoidance System: Ultrasonic sensor

Cypress wishes to use as many off-the-shelf products as possible in order to achieve a “kit-able” design for hobbyists. Building the robot will be a plug-and-play experience so that users can focus on exploring the capabilities of the PSoC.

Our robot will offer three modes which can be toggled through the app: a line following mode, an obstacle-avoiding mode, and a manual-control mode. In the manual-control mode, one will be able to control the motors with the app. In autonomous modes, the robot will be controlled based off of the input from the sensors.