Using the Website

Project Page

The Project Pages were created in an effort to help promote student projects. The Project Pages provide a showcase where employers, other students, and friends can see what UIUC students are capable of. Many employers, in particular, consider a good Senior Design Project to be just as valuable as internship experience. The Project Pages will develop over time into a valuable library of practical engineering knowledge. Some of the best projects will be identified each semester and placed in the Senior Design "Hall of Fame," while the rest will be accessible by semester and search engine.

Updating Project Information

Once your project has been approved on the discussion board by the Instructor, you should promptly update your project information. In order to do so, find your project on the Project page, and click its title. When a frame expands, click on "Edit." Next, enter your UIUC netid and password. The system will lookup your project and prompt you for information such as your project's title. Please fill in the information that you wish to have appear for your project, and then click on the submit button. The required fields are marked so. You can update this information at any time. We strongly urge you to keep a backup of all of the information, and we would like to caution you of one scenario in particular. If multiple people attempt to edit this information at the same time, the second person to submit the changes will overwrite the first person's changes. Also, be sure to logout when you are done by closing the web browser. It is important that you provide a project desciption. It should be a brief overview of your project and explanation of why it is worth doing. Please provide this information as soon as possible and try to limit the length to about 250 words.

Submit Schedule

After updating your project information, you should proceed to the Submit Schedule page. Here each student should submit his/her schedule so that your TA can schedule a weekly meeting time. We know that there are a lot of boxes to check, but we need this detailed information because of how difficult it is to match schedules. The information is displayed in a convenient way for TAs when it is time for them to schedule meeting times. The system is very intuitive so instructions are not needed. NOTE: Please be sure that the schedule you submit is as accurate as possible, since you won't be able to edit it later!

After submitting your schedule, you should familiarize yourself with the "Upload Files" page.

Uploading Files

This area is used to upload files such as the Proposal, the Final Paper, Images, and additional files. When a file is uploaded, it is renamed and limited to a specified size. Special documents such as Proposals and Final Papers should be uploaded into the appropriate slot and will automatically be added to your Project Page. Images and other files can be uploaded into any other slot such as "file1." To upload a file, simply select which slot to place it in, and then select the file from your computer using the "Browse" button.

Seat U: Sensing System for Real-time Library Seat Occupation Detection

Jiayuan Huang, Hangzheng Lin, Jiaqi Lou, Hanyin Shao

Featured Project

# Problem

During the exam week, it is very difficult to find a seat in the library. Sometimes students cannot find a satisfying seat even if they walk through the library all around. Some students complain about unknown traffic in the library. For more convenient library seats seeking, students would like to know which other seats are empty ahead of time in order to decide whether they will go to the library and where to find available seats.

# Solution Overview

We will design a sensor-based device for each table to detect occupancy. The occupancy data will be uploaded through wifi to the cloud. There will be three states for each seat: occupied by people, occupied by items, or unoccupied. Then we will design an APP to visualize these data.

# Components

## The sensing subsystem:

• Data preprocessing and WiFi module to transfer data (ESP32)

• Multi-kinds of sensors to detect objects and collect data

• Wired power supply to support long-term real-time detection

## Human-computer interaction subsystem:

• Database server to store the collected data

• APP on the phone that allows clients to check the status of library seats

• It can indicate whether the seat is occupied with people (reserved by personal items), occupied without people, or available

# Criteria of Success

• Classify three different states of seats (occupied by people, occupied by items, or unoccupied)

• The accuracy of detecting whether a seat is reserved by items is above 90%

• The accuracy of detecting whether a seat is occupied by people is above 95%

• The sensor-based device APP is user-friendly and accurately visualizes the seat occupation

• The states of the seats get updated every 1 minute in the APP

• Adaptive to different kinds of table in the library (flexibility)

• Implement the database server bidirectionally: upload data from the device and download data to the APP