CS 421: Programming Languages and Compilers
News for Fall 2011
  • 12/12/11 - A solution to HW3 has been posted. - ELG
  • 12/4/11 - Solutions to MP8 and MP9 have been posted. The full test suites used for machine grading for each mp are now posted. A sylabus for the final and a mp9.pdf has been posted. It changes the example for Problem 5 to one that doesn't need Problem 6. - ELG
  • 11/25/11 - Version 1.3 of mp9.pdf has been posted. It fixes the type of eval_dec. - ELG
  • 11/18/11 - Yet another new version of mp9.pdf has been posted. It fixes truncated lines in the type definitions, incorrect indices in Problem 5, and changes mp9int to picomlint. - ELG
  • 11/18/11 - A new version of mp9.pdf has been posted. It cleans up everything concerning monadic operators (monop), and some other errors, like the type of binApply - ELG
  • 11/17/11 - Cutoffs and solution for Midterm 2 are on the examsweb page. - ELG
  • 11/17/11 - About 27 hours late, MP9 has been posted. - ELG
  • 11/8/11 - A revised version of mp8grader.tar.gz has been posted. It fixes the incorrect desugaring of or. - ELG
  • 11/7/11 - A revised version of mp8grader.tar.gz has been posted. It fixes the desugaring discrepancy between the solution and the pdf. We also updated the test suite to contain the same tests as are in the pdf. - ELG
  • 11/6/11 - A revised version of mp8.pdf has been posted. The listed due date has been corrected to 15 Nov. A solution to HW2 has been posted. - ELG
  • 11/4/11 - A revised version of mp8grader.tar.gz including the file picomllex.mll has been posted. - ELG
  • 11/3/11 - The comment at the top of the HWD pdf erroneously stated that no late assignments would be allowed. I will collect late assignments in class today. - ELG
  • 11/1/11 - A solution mp7-sol.mll for MP7 has been posted. - ELG
  • 10/28/11 - A new version (version 1.1) of hw2.pdf has been posted. This version corrects an error in Problem 4, where is said 'go to state 5', and now says 'go to state 1', and added a clarification of the use of the term 'consecutive' in Problem 2b. - ELG
  • 10/27/11 - A solution mp6-sol.ml for MP6 has been posted. - ELG
  • 10/14/11 - I have posted a new version of mp6grader.tar.gz. It replaces the function Solution.canonicalize, which is used in tests. It was returning both the canonicalized type and the substitution doing the canonicalization, when it needed to return just the type. - EGL
  • 10/13/11 - Midterm 1 will be handed back at the end of class today. - ELG
  • 10/13/11 - I have posted a new version of mp6grader.tar.gz. It replaces the mp6-skeleton.ml file - EGL
  • 10/11/11 - I have released the tests-full files for each of MP1 through MP5. - ELG
  • 10/10/11 - As announced in class, you will be allowed to bring to the exam one 3 inch by 5 inch card with contents on both sides. You may have only one card. It must fit within the dimensions given. You are completely free to put contents on it you please. Cards may not be shared. - ELG
  • 10/10/11 - A solution mp5-sol.ml for MP5 has been posted. - ELG
  • 10/1/11 - Solutions mp4-sol.ml and hw1-sol.pdf have been posted. - ELG
  • 9/28/11 - A revised version of mp5grader.tar.gz has been posted. - CL
  • 9/13/11 - hw1.pdf has been posted. No further notice of homework/MP releases will be posted. Check some time after midnight on Tuesdays. - DG
  • 9/17/11 - Solutions for mp2 and mp3 have been posted. - ELG
  • 9/13/11 - mp4.pdf has been posted. - DG
  • 9/10/11 - A revised version of mp3.pdf clarifying the use of let and let rec has been posted. - ELG
  • 9/8/11 - A solution to MP1 has been posted. - ELG
  • 9/6/11 - mp3.pdf has been posted. - ELG
  • 8/30/11 - mp2.pdf has been posted. - ELG
  • 8/29/11 - I have no idea how I managed this since I thought I cut and pasted each example code in MP1, but the type for the sample output was incorrectly given as string * int instead of int * int as it should have been. I guess this proves that I can mess up even the simplest editing task. A corrected version of mp1.pdf has been posted. - ELG
  • 8/26/11 - MP1 had an inconsistency in the description of Problem 4. In the text it it described the type of the input to the function to be defined as an integer. However, the sample code indicates that the function has type float -> float. That is, it should be a function that has input of type float (and return value of type float.) The correct type for the for the input should be float. A corrected version of mp1.pdf has been posted. - ELG
  • 8/23/11 - Welcome to the fall session of CS421. This page will be the main bulletin board for the course, and hence is always under construction. Please check it frequently - ELG
    Contacting Staff
    Submitting Assignments
    Regrade Policy

    Class Schedule
    Tues, Thurs 2:00pm - 3:15pm
    1404 SC

    Elsa Gunter
    Email: egunter@illinois.edu
    Office: 2112 SC
    Phone: 265-6118
    Hours: Tues 12:30pm - 1:45 pm, Wed 11:00am-11:50pm Thurs 3:30pm - 4:15pm
    Also by appointment

    Teaching Assistants
    Dennis Griffith
    Email: dgriffi3@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Tues 5:00pm - 5:50pm, Wed 12:30pm - 1:20pm

    Choonghwan Lee
    Email: clee83@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Mon 9:00am - 9:50am, Fri 1:00pm-1:50pm