CS 374 A

Weekly Schedule

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00–12:15
0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility
Wednesdays and Fridays.
ADA: 9:00–9:50 1304 Siebel Center Ahsan Gilani
ADB: 10:00–10:50    106B3 Engineering Hall    Ananya Yammanuru
ADC: 11:00–11:50 4101 MSEB James Hulett
ADD: 12:00–12:50 1304 Siebel Center Sonali Merchia
ADE: 1:00–1:50 1304 Siebel Center Zhengcheng Huang
ADF: 2:00–2:50 106B3 Engineering Hall Shiliang Zuo
ADG: 3:00–3:50 4101 MSEB Victor Murta
ADH: 4:00–4:50 1304 Siebel Center Elfarouk Harb
ADK: 5:00–5:50 1304 Siebel Center Elfarouk Harb
ADL: 6:00–6:50 1304 Siebel Center Alex Desjardins
Homework Parties
  • Monday 9–11am, 0216 Siebel — last meeting December 4
  • Thursday 5–8pm, 0216 Siebel — last meeting November 30
  • Saturday 2–5pm, 1320 DCL — last meeting December 2

These are dedicated times for students to work together on the current week's CS 374 homework. Students are expected to help each other; course staff are also present to answer questions and offer assistance. This is a great opportunity to meet other people to form homework groups. In weeks with no homework, these will turn into review sessions.

Office hours
Unless announced otherwise, all office hours are held in the open area on the south side of the third floor of Siebel, next to room 3304. Office hours are subject to change based on need and availability, especially during the first few weeks of the semester. All office hours will continue as usual through reading day, Thursday, December 7, except the Thursday evening homework party.

The calendar below shows all scheduled office hours (and homework parties) in blue, and all regular class meetings in red. (The small downward triangle in the top right corner of the calendar, next to "Print", is a menu that allows you to show or hide each class of events independently.)

Conceptual office hours are indicated with a bracketed letter [C]; see the description after the calendar.

You can also view this calendar on its own page.

About office hours

Office hours are meant to help all students who attend, not just the few students who ask questions. Our limited time is best spent on issues that are relevant to as many people as possible. We will do our best to answer individual questions (for example, about already-graded work or possible extensions), but as a general rule, students asking us to verify or debug their homework solutions will have lowest priority. (Please ask how to verify or debug your own solutions instead!)

Some of the office hours are specifically earmarked as conceptual office hours. These are centered on helping students building a correct mental model of the material introduced in lecture and practiced in the labs, guided problem sets, homework, and exams. Questions speficially about the current week's homework are off-limits.

We also plan to offer multiple review sessions in the week leading up to each exam. Details to be announced when we get closer to the first midterm.

Space at these events is unfortunately limited, especially in office hours. If the room is crowded, please be kind and make room for others by leaving if you can find an alternative source of assistance. We strongly recommend starting on each homework early, so that you can take advantage of office hours all week long. If the room is not crowded, you are welcome to just hang out and listen, as long as you aren't bothering others. Please do not use CS 374 meetings to work on other classes.

In addition to these in-person meetings, the course staff regularly monitor Ed Discussion and Discord. As a matter of course policy, course staff will wait a minimum of three hours before answering any online question about the course material—except for questions about lecture material on the day of the the lecture—so that other students have an opportunity to answer first. (We will answer administrative questions as quickly as we can.)