ECE 580

Spring 2019


The following sets of supplementary notes have been posted

  1. Notes on FIXED POINTS [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 3

  2. Notes on HILBERT SPACES: Separability and Existence of Basis [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 6

  3. Notes on HILBERT SPACE OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Filtering, Prediction, and Smoothing [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 10

  4. Notes on HAHN-BANACH THEOREM: Extension Form [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 12

  5. Notes on TWO MAIN THEOREMS OF OPTIMIZATION INVOLVING DUAL SPACES [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 14

  6. About the TERM PROJECT [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 16

  7. SOLUTION TO THE MIDTERM EXAM [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 17

  8. Notes on LOCAL AND GLOBAL THEORY OF CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 21

  9. Addendum to Correspondence #21: LOCAL KUHN-TUCKER THEOREM [pdf] --- as Correspondence # 23