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Lecture: 12:30-1:45pm
Tuesday/Thurday in 1302 Siebel Center
Lab: 222 Siebel Center

Class Overview

The Cyber Security Lab is a hands on study of computer and network security. This class complements introductory computer security courses such as Computer Security I and II It extends student knowledge to cover practical and experimental aspects of security for the Internet.

The class format is a combination of lectures and extensive lab exercises including the following topics among others:

The lab exercises will be performed in an isolated laboratory (222 SC) containing Cisco security HW, SELinux clients, and Windows clients.

Students should have taken Computer Security I (CS461/ECE422), System Programming CS241, or similar courses. Contact Susan Hinrichs,, for more information.


Class discussion will take place in newsgroup c.s.cs460.

From last fall, using SSL with newsgroups is required. Also, the name of the news server has changed to

For further details about the news server see here and here.

Please note that in addition to accessing the newsgroup via mail clients such as Thunderbird and Outlook, you can use a web interface to access it: Web Interface for Newsgroups

Related Courses

Look at the Security Course Roadmap for an understanding of the broader set of security courses and seminars offered at UofI.

Academic Honesty

Copying or allowing someone to copy homework solutions, machine problems, and exam solutions, from other students in the class, or from other sources is considered plagiarism and is treated very seriously by the Department of Computer Science. The usual penalty for a first cheating offense is a grade of zero on the homework or exam. The penalty for a second offense, or a particularly severe first offense, is an F in the course. All cheating cases are reported to the department. Multiple offsenses can result in suspension or dismissal from CS program or from the university. Please refer to the University Policy on Academic Integrity and the CS Department's Honor Code