Summer 2014

Machine Problem 3


Posted:     Monday July 28th , 2014

Due Date: 9:00 P.M., Wednesday, August 6h, 2014

This MP has three parts.

                                                            Handin is available here.


To run this MP you will need to use the following commands at the Linux prompt:

$ module load python3
$ easy_install-3.4 --user pillow

You will have to submit (using svn) the following files:


For Part 1:


part1_answers.txt (answer to questions in Part 1)



For Part 2:


part2_answers.txt (answers to both questions in Section A of Part 2)




For Part 3:




You will need to download these files (updated 7/30/14 10:15am).


Part 1:  (12 points) Image Compression Using SVD

Singular value decomposition (SVD) is a process by which we can decompose any matrix into a product of three matrices such that A=U*S*VT, where U and V are orthogonal matrices and S is a diagonal matrix and “T” denotes the transpose. In our case we consider any image (in 2-dimensions) as a rectangular table of pixels. Each pixel can be is represented by a triplet of numbers, corresponding to the intensities of the three basic colors, red, green and blue.  We will NOT use this mathematical representation of an image. Instead we will split the image into three component matrices, one matrix holding the intensities of red, a second matrix holding the intensities of green and a third matrix holding the intensities of blue. We will normalize each value of intensity by dividing it by 255. We then compute SVD on each component matrix by using the Python    np.linalg.svd  function and select only the “most significant” information (largest singular values). After the SVD, we combine each of these components (RGB) to recreate the whole image again, without using the “least significant” information (smallest singular values) the of RGB.


Files used in Part 1 for this MP:

1.      compression.py file – the Python file in which you will write your code for image compression

2.      img.jpg – image you will be compressing

3.      answers.txt  this is the text file that will hold all your answers to questions for this part. Do not forget to submit answers.txt as the solution to this MP. 


1. Open the file compression.py in your editor. Note that some code has already been provided for you. Please do not modify this code.

2. We provided you Python code to read the image file using the Python function named Image.open and assign it into a variable named image.

3. Now split the picture into three matrices Red, Green and Blue - How?

Hint: Convert your image to a numpy array using np.array(). This gives us a matrix of dimension rows by columns by planes=3 where 3 stands for the 3 colors , any color can be formed from these colors, changing intensities of each.

So split this matrix and name the variables Red, Green and Blue.

In Python using the colon ':' means “any”, so image[:,:,0] means subscript on any row , any column but plane = 0 ( the first plane which contains Red) .

4. Now perform svd on each of these Red, Green and Blue matrices using the svd function we have supplied. Receive the values as nr, rankRed and nrankRed for Red using True as the value of the last argument of svd.
Run svd for Green and Blue but don't pass a third argument (default to false) and get ng and nb.

5. Combine back the colors using the Numpy dstack function. Assign the result to nimg. Use nimg along with the Image.fromarray function to create newImage.

6. If display is True then show() the newImage.

7. Write the image to the graphics file using the Python newImage.save() command. The input argument is a string svd concatenated to str(nrank) then an underscore and finally the filename.

8. Return rankRed and nrankRed

9. Run your function named compress with rank values
>> rankRed, ranknewRed = compress(‘figure_to_compress.jpg’,value)

Report the new file size in the answers.txt file.


(grader: 4 points for compression.py running correctly without errors)

(grader: 8 points, 1 point for each of the eight blanks below.)


                                  File size in bytes( use the unix ls  –l command)

Uncompressed:  _____?____

Rank   10:     _____?______

Rank    50:     _____?_______

Rank   100:       _____?_____

Rank   300:      _____?______

Rank  500:     ____?______

Rank   600:      _____?____
Rank  800:     _______?____


Part 2:  (26 points) PageRank Algorithm

The page rank algorithm is one of the reasons why Google is an effective search engine. When people type in a query, Google lists the pages on the web which match the query in the order of their page rank. Their page rank algorithm assesses the importance of web pages. In this machine problem, you will get a chance to learn what Google’s page rank algorithm is and how to compute the page rank of a web page.

Section 1 : Understanding Page Rank (9 points)

The page rank algorithm assigns each web page P a measure of importance I(P), called the page rank. The fundamental idea is : the importance of a page P is judged by the number of pages linking to P as well as their importance.

Let Ij be the number of links in page Pj.  If one of those links is to page Pi, then Pj will pass on 1/Ij of its importance to Pi. The importance ranking of Pi is then the sum of all the contributions made by pages linking to it. That is, if Bi is the set of pages linking to Pi, then

To compute the page rank I(P), we construct the matrix H, such that


Now, we can see that if I is the importance vector [I(Pi)],



So, to compute the page ranks, we need to find the eigenvector of H corresponding to the eigenvalue 1.

(1) (4 Points) Write the matrix H for the following graph G0. (H is a 4 x 4 matrix). Hint: the sum of the column values should equal 1.


A description...






(2) (5 Points) Write the page rank vector I corresponding to the matrix H. The vector I should be an eigenvector of H corresponding to the eigenvalue 1, and should be normalized so the sum is 1.

Hint: You can use the function numpy.linalg.eig to compute all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.

Write your answers in a text file part2_answers.txt. The file should contain a matrix H and a vector I. You need not submit any code for this part.


Section 2 : Hyperlink matrix construction and using power method to compute page rank (12 points)

Google’s PageRank algorithm ranks the importance of pages on the web so that the pages can be sorted with the most important pages at the top of the list when people type queries. Since Google claims to index 25 billion pages, it means that the Hyperlink matrix H has about 25 billion columns and rows but most of the entries in H are zero.  Thus we may use power method to find the stationary eigenvector I of H corresponding to the eigenvalue with the largest magnitude which is one in our case. 

Based on the power method described in lecture, we know the power method will produce a sequence of vectors, and the sequence will converge to the stationary vector I under certain conditions.

We shall examine the conditions and how it fails at the end of this section.

Implementation (basic_powerpagerank.py file)

Open the basic_powerpagerank.py file we provide you and enter your code to define the function:

def basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig, tol=1.0e-8, maxit=1000):

where E is an edge(e.g. Adjacency matrix see lecture 5 slide 6) matrix, such that if there is a hyperlink from page Pj to Pi ,

          Ig is an initial guess of the importance vector I,

          tol specifies the tolerance below which we assume convergence (default to 1.0e-8),

          maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations after which we give up (default to 1000).

Step-by-step instructions to complete basic_powerpagerank is given below.

, i.e., sum of the entries in column j of E.

 , i.e., sum of the entries in row i of E.

(Can use np.sum())

      Maximum of the difference between two consecutive I is less than tol, or

      Number of iterations (iter) is greater than or equal to maxit.

                (Can use np.amax(), np.dot())


To test your implementations, we have provided a utility function makeEdgeMat in the file util.py.

This function takes as input a filename containing graph information, and returns an edge matrix corresponding to the graph.

The graph can be specified by:

We have provided a few graph specifications too for your test cases.

To test, at the linux prompt, type:
$ module load python3
$ python3 basic_powerpagerank.py

Your code will be graded by passing the following tests.

Test 1: Normal execution

I = [ 0.06        0.0675      0.03        0.0675      0.0975      0.2025      0.18       0.295]

iterations = 96

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 1: Normal execution")

    E = makeEdgeMat('graph1.dat')

    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]

    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)

    print('I =', I)

    print('iterations =', iter, '\n') )

Test 2: Dangling node (all zero)

I = [ 0.  0.]

iterations = 3

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 2: Dangling node (all zero)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph2.dat')
    Ig = np.zeros(E.shape[0])
    Ig[0] = 1
    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')






Test 3: Dangling node (unsatisfactory result)

I = [ 0.  0.]

iterations = 3

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 3: Dangling node (unsatisfactory result)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph2.dat')
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')


Test 4: Loop (no convergence)

No convergence

I = [ 1.  0.  0.  0.  0.]

iterations = 1000

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 4: Loop (no convergence)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph3.dat')
    Ig = np.zeros(E.shape[0])
    Ig[0] = 1
    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')

Test 5: Loop (valid convergence)

I = [ 0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2]

iterations = 1

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 5: Loop (valid convergence)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph3.dat')
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')







Test 6: Sink (unsatisfactory result)

I = [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.12        0.24        0.24         0.4]

iterations = 153

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 6: Sink (unsatisfactory result)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph4.dat')
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = basic_powerpagerank(E, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')


Understanding your results


Graph G1 is represented by graph1.dat, which is used by Test 1.


A description...







As we can see, the algorithm terminates and provides a satisfactory  page rank vector I.


Now, we have the following questions:


Let us examine the other test cases.




Test 2 and 3 use the graph G2, represented by graph2.dat.

A description...








Here, we just have two nodes and one edge. With initial value of Ig = [ 1 0 ] and Ig = [ 0.5 0.5 ], we got the resulting I to be [ 0 0 ], which says both the pages are not important at all, but this is not what we want their importance to be! This is because the node 2 has no outgoing edges, and hence acts like an importance sink, draining all the importance from 1.

Test 4 and 5 use the graph G3, represented by graph3.dat.


A description...










The graph here is a symmetric loop of 5 nodes. With an initial condition of [1 0 0 0 0 ], the algorithm does not converge, as you can see from test 4. To see what is happening to I, you can print I computed in each iteration (and reduce maxit so you don't see a lot of prints), and observe the pattern of I. This happens because we make the assumption in the power method that and . However, in this case, and thus, it does not converge for all starting vectors.

Test 5, uses an initial condition of [1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5] and converges to itself immediately.
Test 6 uses Graph G4, represented by graph4.dat.


A description...



The importance of the first 4 nodes is zero! This is because the second half behaves like an importance sink, similar to node 2 of G2, and drains the importance from the first half.

But, this is not a satisfactory result, as the first four nodes have edges and they should have some non-zero importance.


To answer our earlier questions,


Section C : Modifying the matrix to be stochastic and using matrix operations to obtain page rank (11 points)

The reason why our method fails, is because we want an irreducible and primitive stochastic matrix, but we don't necessarily have it always. To understand what that means, let us look at a probabilistic interpretation of H.

Imagine that we surf the web at random, i.e., when we are on a web page, we randomly pick any of its links to another page, and so on. So, if we are on page Pj with Ij links, if one of the pages it points to is Pi, the probability of opening Pi is 1/Ij.

Then, the fraction of time spent on page Pi can be interpreted to be its page rank I(Pi). Notice that, given this definition, we require the sum of page ranks to be 1.

Given this interpretation, we come to the first problem we saw before, the case of the dangling node. There are no edges from this node, then where do we go? Do we spend the rest of the time there?

To solve this problem, we will randomly choose any of the n pages. Thus, we replace all the entries in a column corresponding to a dangling node to be 1/n and call this new matrix S.

The matrix S has all its entries non negative, and sum of each column is 1. This is a stochastic matrix.

The second problem we faced was that and thus the eigenvector sequence  I kdid not always converge. This is because the matrix H was not primitive. The matrix H to be primitive means , for some m, Hm has all positive entries. In other words, there is a way to get from the first page to the second page after following m links given two pages.

The third problem we faced was that matrix H was reducible, i.e., H can be written in block form as

To solve both these problems, i.e., to make S both primitive and irreducible, we need to modify the way our random surfer moves through the web. We consider a damping factor , such that the random surfer follows a link with the probability , and chooses a random page with probability .

This theoretical random walk is known as a Marcov chain.

So, to obtain the Google matrix G,


Matrix G is the transition probability matrix of the Marcov chain and all its entries are non negative and sum of each column is 1. The matrix G is a primitive and irreducible stochastic matrix and has a stationary eigenvector I.


Then, can be written as

where Id is n X n identity matrix, and e is an n vector of all ones. is a constant that varies with the sum of entries in I, and hence can be scaled to 1.

Thus, to compute the page ranks I, we need to solve the system of equations

Implementation (pagerank.py file)

Open the pagerank.py file provided and enter your code to define the function:

def pagerank(E, alpha):

where E is an edge matrix, such thatif there is a hyperlink from page Pj to Pi ,

          alpha is the damping factor to be considered.

Step-by-step instructions to complete pagerank is given below.

(Hint: Create an array a which has 1/n if od[i] is 0, 0 otherwise, and use np.vstack to make an n X n matrix)

(You can use np.eye() to create identity matrix, np.ones() to create a vector of all ones, np.linalg.solve() to solve the system of equations)


To test, at the linux prompt, type:

$ module load python3

$ python3 pagerank.py

The first 4 test cases are provided for you. However, you must write your own edge matrix for test 5, for the following graph G5. (You can write a .dat file and use our util function, or write your edge matrix directly.)


A description...








Test 1: Stochastic

I = [ 0.06309315  0.09252519  0.04556459  0.09739641  0.11005375  0.18410088  0.15650523  0.2507608 ]

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 1: Stochastic")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph1.dat')
    I = pagerank(E, 0.85)
    print('I =', I, '\n')


Test 2: Dangling node

I = [ 0.35087719  0.64912281]

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 2: Dangling node")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph2.dat')
    I = pagerank(E, 0.85)
    print('I =', I, '\n')


Test 3: Loop (Not primitive)

I = [ 0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2]

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 3: Loop (Not primitive)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph3.dat')
    I = pagerank(E, 0.85)
    print('I =', I, '\n')


Test 4: Sink (reducible)

I = [ 0.01875     0.05715045  0.02671875  0.06732788  0.12848733  0.2056777   0.18660147  0.30928641]

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 4: Sink (reducible)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph4.dat')
    I = pagerank(E, 0.85)
    print('I =', I, '\n')





Test 5: Custom graph

I = [ 0.04768256  0.04365325  0.05716331  0.04768256  0.03689822  0.25121828  0.2661155   0.24958633]

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 5: Custom graph")
    # write your code here
    I = pagerank(E, 0.85)
    print('I =', I, '\n')


Section D : Using power method to obtain page rank for modified matrix (12 points)

In this section, we combine your work from section B and C to obtain the page rank from the modified google matrix G using power method, and check the effect of  on the convergence.

When  is 1, G = S, which is just a stochastic matrix which could be reducible and not primitive. When is 0, it makes the matrix all 1/n, thus the importance of each page is equal to 1/n and we lose the structural information of the graph. Thus, we want  to be as high as possible to retain structural information but not 1 as the algorithm will not always converge. Also, it can be proven that the second eigenvalue , and with high , the algorithm takes longer to converge (from class).

We will test the effect of varying  on the number of iterations it takes for convergence.

Implementation (powerpagerank.py file)

Open the powerpagerank.py file provided and enter your code to define the function:

def powerpagerank(E, alpha, Ig, tol=1.0e-8, maxit=1000):

where E is an edge matrix, such thatif there is a hyperlink from page Pj to Pi ,

          alpha is the damping factor to be considered,

          Ig is an initial guess of the importance vector I,

          tol specifies the tolerance below which we assume convergence (default to 1.0e-8),

          maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations after which we give up (default to 1000).

Step-by-step instructions to complete pagerank is given below.

(Can use np.ones() to create nXn matrix of ones)


To test, at the linux prompt, type:

$ module load python3

$ python3 powerpagerank.py




Update test 5 by copying the code for E from pagerank.py (section C).

Test 1: Stochastic

I = [ 0.06309315  0.09252519  0.04556459  0.09739641  0.11005375  0.18410088  0.15650523  0.2507608]

iterations = 45

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 1: Stochastic")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph1.dat')
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = powerpagerank(E, 0.85, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')


Test 2: Dangling node

I = [ 0.35087719  0.64912281]

iterations = 23

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 2: Dangling node")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph2.dat')
    Ig = np.zeros(E.shape[0])
    Ig[0] = 1
    I, iter = powerpagerank(E, 0.85, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')


Test 3: Loop (Not primitive)

I = [ 0.20000001         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2]

iterations = 115

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 3: Loop (Not primitive)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph3.dat')
    Ig = np.zeros(E.shape[0])
    Ig[0] = 1
    I, iter = powerpagerank(E, 0.85, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')





Test 4: Sink (reducible)

I = [ 0.01875     0.05715045  0.02671875  0.06732788  0.12848733  0.2056777  0.18660147  0.30928642]

iterations = 57

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 4: Sink (reducible)")
    E = makeEdgeMat('graph4.dat')
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = powerpagerank(E, 0.85, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')

Test 5: Custom graph

I = [ 0.04768256  0.04365325  0.05716331  0.04768256  0.03689822  0.25121827  0.2661155   0.24958633]

iterations = 98

(grader: 1 point)

( result for running

    print("Test 5: Custom graph")
    # write your code here
    Ig = np.ones(E.shape[0])/E.shape[0]
    I, iter = powerpagerank(E, 0.85, Ig)
    print('I =', I)
    print('iterations =', iter, '\n')

alpha      iterations

0.05            6
0.10            7
0.15            9
0.20           10
0.25           12
0.30           14
0.35           16
0.40           18
0.45           20
0.50           23
0.55           27
0.60           31
0.65           37
0.70           45
0.75           55
0.80           71
0.85           98
0.90          150
0.95          308

(grader: 1 points)

( result for running

    print('Test 6: Effect of alpha on number of iterations')
    for alpha in np.arange(0.05, 1.00, 0.05):      
                I, iter = powerpagerank(E, alpha, Ig)
             print('{0:3.2f}\t{1:5d}'.format(alpha, iter))

Part 3 (12 points): Adaptive Integration.


In this portion of the MP, we will be writing Python code to compute the definite integral

Description: Description: Description: integral
using the recursive method called adaptive integration.  First we use the trapezoidal rule to perform the integration over an interval [a,b], for a given function y=f(x). For example see the figure below that shows a trapezoid with A_approx = (1/2)*(f(a)+f(b))*(b-a) = (f(0)+f(1))/2 where a = 0 , b=1 and f(x) = x2+2.

Description: Description: Description: trap rule


If the difference between the true area (A) and the area obtained by using the trapezoidal method (A_approx) is small we are done. But if we don't know A then how can we know that A_approx is good? One way to test our approximation is to subdivide the x axis into two intervals [a (a+b)/2] and [(a+b)/2, b] (or [0 1/2] and [1/2 1] in our problem) and form two trapezoids (as shown in the figure below).

Description: Description: Description: two traps

Our method is to compare the sum of the areas of the left trapezoid and the right trapezoid AL_approx + AR_approx  with the area of the single trapezoid A_approx and if the difference is small then we are done. If the difference isn't small then we will use recursion applied to AL and AR respectively.

The idea explained above has been implemented in the Python function “adaptive.py”. You will have to complete this function and run the tests.

Open the Python function adaptive.py .

This file contains the following lines of code:

def adaptive(f, a, b, N, xlim, tol):

# integrafes f from a to b using N point trapezoid rule

# xlim denotes the x limits for the plot
    x = np.linspace(a, b, N)

    y = f(x)

    pt.fill_between(x, 0, y, facecolor='g')





    A = np.trapz(y, x)
    # Find Al - Area of left half using N point trapezoid rule
    # Find Ar - Area of right half using N point trapezoid rule
    if abs((Al + Ar) - A) < tol:

        pt.fill_between(x, 0, y, facecolor='r')


        return # The area


        return # Sum of recursively computed area of left half and right

Complete the code as per the comments in the code and then test your code.

To test your code, at the Linux prompt type the following.

$ module load python3
$ python3 adaptive.py


(grader: 3 points for each of the following four tests for a total of 12 poitns for Part 3)

integral x^2 from 0 to 1
Area = 0.33349609375

integral x^3 from 0 to 1
Area = 0.250000489163

integral sin(x) from 0 to pi/2
Area = 0.999999999787

integral xx2 from 0 to 2
Area = 2.83333534272