Hi everyone! No homework 12 so you can study! Midterm 2 will cover the material on - 2-Body Central Force Sytems & Scattering - Rotations : Inertia Tensor, Euler Equations, Euler Angles Go back through the problems from lecture, discussion, homework, and textbook examples. Morin's textbook (online at the library, see the INFO-General file) provides a huge source of additional worked problems on both of these topics. Also don't forget to simply REVIEW the subjects, so you impose some STRUCTURE on the material in your mind. Two old midterms are in this folder with solutions in the secure folder. Please note that I did not cover Euler *Angles* in those previous midterms but we did a good job of them before Thanksgiving this semester (yay! rotational Lagrangian!) so they will be fair game on our Midterm 2. Oh and before you ask : no, there will NOT be any GR or anything from Midterm 1 on this exam. Cheers! Naomi P.S. Always try problems BEFORE you look at their solutions, and do consider simulating the time constraints of an exam: practicing how to solve questions efficiently under time pressure is definitely useful.