""" Goal/purpose: This is a debugging exercise to be solved in class. This program attempts to draw a small circle, but the lines of code are not in the correct order. Please fix this. Author: George Gollin File: unit05_in_class_warmup.py Date: February 5, 2017 Physics 298 owl, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign """ import numpy as np # 1 ax.set_title("Here is a nice circle") # 2 fig = plt.figure() # 3 ax = fig.gca() # 4 x = r * np.cos(ThetaArray) # 5 ThetaArray = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100, endpoint=True) # 6 y = r * np.sin(ThetaArray) # 7 ax.set_aspect("equal") # 8 ax.plot(x,y) # 9 ax.set_xlabel("x") # 10 ax.set_ylabel("y") # 11 r = 10. # 12 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 13 print("all done!") # 14