""" Created on Mon Apr 25 16:36:52 2016 @author: g-gollin This file is unit01_if_elif_else_script.py """ # I will enter some code here... LogicalValue = 4 # enter a value for this variable if LogicalValue < 5: # do some stuff if LogicalValue is less than 5... print("LogicalValue is less than 5") print("Its value is ", LogicalValue) elif LogicalValue > 22: # or do this stuff if it is pretty large... print("Holy cow, LogicalValue is bigger than 22!") else: # otherwise do the following. note the colon print("LogicalValue must be between 5 and 22!") # In Python there are no "end if" statements to terminate a block of code. print("I am all finished.") # here is the end of the file.