Required Essay 4 (RE4)

Choose between one of the following prompts on which to write a 2.5-3 page report:


Option A:


You are an intelligence analyst for the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). Your group brings together analysts and specialists from the CIA, the FBI, the DoD, and other federal agencies. With the personnel changes arising from the transition between two presidential administrations, you are in charge of writing and disseminating a brief report explaining the Center’s accepted definition of terrorism, the differences in types of terrorism, and the possible avenues for terrorists to acquire nuclear-explosive materials or nuclear weapons. This report will serve as an introductory document to facilitate a more productive discussion of concerns about nuclear terrorism.


Option B:

You are a writer for Scientific American, and your editor has assigned you to provide a brief report on some of the key aspects of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), more commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. This report should serve as a high quality summary of the major points of the agreement, both in terms of Iran’s commitments in regards to proliferation as well as the promised responses of the other actors involved.

Your choice should be made during the March 12 writing lab. Unlike the previous required essays, no further guidance will be given on how to structure RE4 at this time. The goal of RE4v0 and the March 26 writing lab will be to create these guidelines.


RE4v0: Prewriting Task List


In real technical writing, we are often not given more direction than something akin to the prompts above. RE4v0 is meant to help you identify the tasks that you will need to complete before you begin drafting as well as the important writing elements (like style choices). For RE4v0, write 2-3 bullet points that describe important aspects of each of the following categories:

Notice that these categories are the same categories that were in the grading rubrics for RE1, RE2, and RE3. The purpose of RE4v0 is not only to develop the skills needed for prewriting but also to enable the creation of the RE4 grading rubric.

To facilitate this prewriting task list, identify the following…


For option A:

For option B:

RE4v0 is due Thursday, March 15 by 1pm. Only an electronic upload is required. It is worth 5% of your RE4v1 grade.

In the writing lab on March 26, you will work with your classmates to co-create the grading rubric for your chosen prompt. After discussion in the writing labs, the TAs will compile key aspects discussed into a formal rubric. This rubric will be sent out to you on the evening of March 26 and will be put on the RE4v1 prompt page. You will use the rubric to guide your first draft (RE4v1) and your peer response.


RE4 Sequence Schedule

WL Activity WL Date      Notes
Choose option and peer review partner March 12  equal number of options A and B; partners will be opposite options
Co-create grading rubric March 26  work in groups to create a rubric; that evening the TAs will compile the rubrics and send out a formal rubric to the class
Discuss peer response April 9  


Assignment Due Date Notes
RE4v0 March 15 (1pm, electronically) this will be used to help create the grading rubric; 5% of RE4v1 grade
RE4v1 March 29 (1pm, electronically; 2pm, in class) based on the rubric created in writing lab, will be handed back on April 9 to coincide with peer response
RE4v1 peer response April 9 (10am, electronically) peer review the other option using the rubric created in writing lab; 30% of RE4v1 grade
RE4v2 April 12 (1pm, electronically; 2pm, in class)