PHYS 213 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Description

University Physics: Thermal Physics

Credit: Credit is not given for both PHYS 213 and PHYS 101

Prerequisite: Successful completion of PHYS 211; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 241

Physics 213 is a calculus-based, introductory course in thermal physics. Topics include:

Students are expected to have a good understanding of:

and some familiarity with:

PHYS 213 meets starting the 8th week of the semester.

Course Goals

By the end of this course the student should be able to:

Course Components

All students are required to participate in all course components. Credit is granted in each course component. All course components are subject to the Academic Integrity Policy.


Course participation requires the use of i>clickers, an interactive audience response system. Students need to acquire one (new or used) at the bookstore, and bring it to every lecture, including the first lecture.

i>clicker Registration

Students' i>clickers must be registered at the beginning of every semester.

Learning Strategy

To effectively learn new material, students need a wide array of perspectives. Our learning strategy is tailored to help students efficiently process problems in physics by providing the necessary experiences.

In introductory physics, the learning strategy of the Department of Physics can be summarized as follows:

  1. Think About It! (prelectures and checkpoints)
  2. Untangle It! (lectures)
  3. Challenge! (homework)
  4. Experience It! (labs)
  5. Close the Loop! (discussion)

This course covers a large amount of new material. Each concept builds on previous course concepts. Mastery of previous material is essential. This is the student's responsibility. In order to succeed the student must not fall behind!

Component Description

Think About It: Prelecture/Textbook Reading Assignments


Due before most of the lectures, according to the course schedule, these research-based multimedia presentations and assessments are designed to introduce the key ideas/concepts of the lecture.


The textbook was selected to have maximum overlap with the course material and is highly recommended.

Untangle It: Lecture

Lectures are held according to the course schedule. Lecture material will be presented as:

Participation will occur as follows:

Challenge: Homework

The web-based homework covering each week's material is due the following week. Homework is assigned and distributed within the homework system, byteShelf.

Homework problems are designed to:

Background for the homework is provided by working through the prelectures, attending the lectures, and reading the assigned material from the textbook. Students should use this background as a guide to finishing the weekly homework assignments. Please refer to the schedule in byteShelf for due dates.

To start work on a homework assignment:

Experience It: Laboratory

Students must be on time for laboratory. No credit will be granted to students arriving more than 10 minutes late for lab.

The lab cycle is designed to provide the opportunity to experience the concepts developed in lecture. The laboratory portion of this course will consist of four (4) 2-hour laboratories, each involving a series of activities:

  1. A prelab exercise due at the start of each laboratory period.
  2. The laboratory exercise in which students will:
    1. set up simple experiments to investigate topics studied in class
    2. make predictions about the outcome of an experiment
    3. perform measurements of different phenomena studied in lecture
    4. analyze experimental results
    5. answer questions concerning the results and predictions.
  3. A laboratory write-up to be completed during the session and turned in at the end of the lab session.

Close the Loop: Discussion

Weekly 2-hour discussion sections are required. Students select a discussion section during registration. Quizzes will be administered during the discussion section in all but the first week. Solutions to discussion questions will be posted on the course schedule at the end of each week.

Each discussion session will consist of the following:

Each student is expected to:


Review the course schedule for the exam dates.

Exam room assignments are made based on the student's discussion section. Attendance is taken by discussion section teaching assistants.

To each exam bring:

Exam scores will be posted in the student gradebook.

Conflict exams will be scheduled for those with a documented University schedule conflict.

Conflict exam times will be announced in lecture.

Mid-Term Exam

This course administers one 90-minute multiple-choice exam. This is done in accordance with University policy as described in: Article 3, Part 2. Section 3-202 covering Evening, Midterm and Hourly Examinations of the Student Code.

Students are expected to take the regularly scheduled midterm exam.

In accordance with University policy, conflict examinations will be administered for students with the following conflict types (from the Student Code):

  1. Other examinations, including special examinations, scheduled at a prior date.
  2. Regularly scheduled performances or rehearsals.
  3. Regularly scheduled classes, including kinesiology and military.
  4. Sickness, regular employment, or other extenuating circumstances.

The exam will be multiple choice and have the following format:

Final Exam

The final exam will be two hours in length and will cover material from the whole semester, approximately 1/3 pre-midterm and 2/3 post-midterm topics.

A combined final exam and a conflict exam will be administered.


Also there will be open office hours every week to give students one-on-one assistance if they need more help. Do not be bashful about taking advantage of these!

Academic Integrity

All activities in this course are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.

Infractions include, but are not limited to:

Violations of any of these rules will be prosecuted and reported to the student's home college.

All aspects of the course are covered by these rules, including: