PHYS 123 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.

Your final grade for Physics 123 will be based upon your total score on all the components of the course. The total possible score is 1000 points.

Course Component Number of Assignments Number Dropped per Semester Maximum Points per Semester
Labs 14 0 350
Lectures 13 1 150
Prelectures 12 1 70
Checkpoints 14 1 80
Homework 12 minimum 50% 50 extra credit
Final Project 1 0 300
Final Quiz 1 0 50
Added to your overall score
1 0 20 extra credit


Final project grading criteria:

The final projects will be graded for (1) Scientific Content (40%), (2) Scientific Presentation (40%), and (3) Creativity and Originality (20%). In particular, the aspects that will be considered for each of the three criteria are as follows:
  1. Scientific Content: 40%
    • well defined initial question
    • plan for investigation
    • experimental set-up
    • quantitative component
    • consideration of environmental factors, measurement uncertainty
  2. Scientific Presentation: 40%
    • description of the question, procedure, solutions
    • scientific accuracy
  3. Creativity and Originality: 20%
    Here, the choices for the project, implementation, apatation, and presentation will be considered. For example, if applicable, how iolab is incorprated into the project.


At the end of the semester, we will compute your average Homework score. If it is greater than 50%, you will receive extra credit in proportion to your score, up to a maximum of 50 points.
If your average Homework score is less than 50% you will receive a penalty of 50 points.


Bonus points are given for active class participation (participation in demos). At the end of the semester, bonus points are used to excuse missed lectures or missed/low-score online assignments.