ME 598: Information

General Info

Grades Formal Assessment
Course description Grading Lectures
Big idea Final grades  


Description: This course will explore how concepts from dynamics, controls, mechanics, and material properties have been applied to help us understand the development and design of orthopedic implants. It will also help to prepare you for biomedical research, especially in the area of musculoskeletal biomechanics. By the end of the course, you will have explored the human musculoskeletal system with an emphasis at the joint level. You will be introduced to modeling and analysis techniques for examining human movement, such as rigid-body modeling techniques, forward and inverse dynamics, and finite element methods. You will be able to utilize MATLAB adn FEBio to analyze and simulate implant models. 

Big Idea: Apply mechanics/physics based principles to understanding the design of an orthopedic implant.

Reference texts:

  • (If you plan to continue in the Biomechanics field, these texts are classic references for the field.)

    Recommended texts:  

  • Biomechanics of the musculo-skeletal system by Benno M. Nigg and Walter Herzog, editors New York: Wiley, 3rd ed.  2007, or 4th ed. 2012.
  • b.     Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system by Margareta Nordin and Victor H. Frankel, editors. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3rd ed. 2001, or 4th ed. 2012.
    c.     Biomechanics and motor control of human movement by David A.Winter. New York: Wiley, 3rd ed. 2005, or 4th ed. 2009.
    d.     Muscles, reflexes, and locomotion by Thomas A. McMahon. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984 



Grading: The total score for the course is computed with the following weights:

Grades will be based on projects, participation, and homework.  Weighting TBD.



Final grades: The total score s corresponds to final grades as follows.

97%  s < 100% A+ 92%  s < 97% A 89%  s < 92% A-
86%  s < 89% B+ 82%  s < 86% B 79%  s < 82% B-
76%  s < 79% C+ 72%  s < 76% C 69%  s < 72% C-
66%  s < 69% D+ 59%  s < 66% D 55%  s < 59% D-
s < 55% F        

Lectures: Prompt and regular attendance at lectures is requested.