
The following schedule outlines the different modules and topics under each module that we would discuss in this course over a span of 14 weeks (28 lectures). Relevant reading material and resources will be provided following each lecture.

ModulesTopicsLecture content
Module 1 Geometric dimensionality reduction Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Cannonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
Maximum Correlation, Discrete CCA and Kernel CCA for real-valued data,
Alternating Conditional Expectation algorithm (ACE) and Non-linear dimensionality reduction methods
Module 2 Probabilistic dimensionality reduction Generative models: non-parametric
Generative models: mixtures of Gaussians ( EM algorithm and method of moments)
Discriminative models: Mixture models (method of moments and tensor decomposition algorithms)
Discriminative models: Mixture of Experts
Module 3 Neural networks Neural networks (Have a look at the zoo!)
Training of neural networks: Backpropagation algorithm and SGD
Variational Autoencoders
Generative Adversarial Networks
Module 4 Representation methods: NLP Language models (KN and GT smoothing)
Word2vec (Skipgram and CBOW) and GloVe
Doc2vec, Sentence2vec, Skip-thought
Polysemy, Compositionality
Deep learning pipeline for NLP
Module 5Representation methods: Others Graph2Vec
Interpretable ML