ECE 586 Spring 2013: Topics for Midterm Exam I

ECE 586 Spring 2013: Topics for Midterm Exam II

  • Material for this exam could include anything from the topic list for exam I, noted above.
  • Multistage games with observed moves: the one-step deviation principle for SPE.
  • Repeated games: trigger strategies and the general feasibility theorems (aka folk theorems)
  • Revenue optimal selling mechanisms (Myerson theory): revelation principle (mapping an equilibrium of any mechanism to a truthful reporting equilibrium for a direct mechanism), revenue equivalence for incentive compatible seller mechanisms (probability of winning function q_i(x) determines expected payment m_i(x)), virtual valuation functions, revenue optimal mechanisms.
  • Auctions with interdependent signals (Milgrom-Weber theory) Affiliated random variables, symmetric Bayes-Nash equilibrium for symmetric signal distributions and payoff structure, for second price auctions and English (ascending price) auctions. Revenue comparisons (first, second, and English auction in symmetric setting with independent private values all yield the same revenue. For affiliated signals and values the revenue ordering is R(English) \geq R(2nd price) \geq R(first price) (though we didn't consider first price auctions with interdependent signals)
  • Coalition games with transferable payments: Cohesive characteristic function, core, Bondareva-Shapely theorem giving necessary and sufficient condition for a non-empty core, k-fold replication of an coalition game with transferable payoffs had nonempty core for all k equal to a multiple of some positive integer K (Koneko & Wooders(1982) result), Shapley value. Markets with transferable payment (the coalitional game form, competitive equilibrium pairs (p,z) with associated payoff vector being in the core, k-fold replica.)