ECE544NA: Pattern Recognition (Fall 2018)

Course Information

ECE 544NA is a special topics course in pattern recognition, and content varies every year. In Fall 2018, the course will cover three main areas, (1) disciminative models, (2) generative models, and (3) reinforcement learning. See course syllabus for more details.

The goal of the course is to provide an understanding of recent research topics in pattern recognition. After having completed the class, students should be familiar with the underlying theory and software that is frequently used in publications related to pattern recognition.

Presentation Schedule: The final presentation schedule is available here.

Pre-requisites: Probability, linear algebra, and proficiency in Python, MATLAB or equivalent.

Recommended Text: (1) Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, (2) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop, (3) Graphical Models by Nir Friedman and Daphne Koller and (4) Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy.

Grading: Scribing 33%, final project 33%, final exam 34%. Weights might get adjusted during the course.

Late Policy: No late submission will be accepted after the due date.

Problem Sets: Download the problem sets here and the solution here.

Final Exam: **Two hour exam** Time: 8:00AM-11:00AM, Dec 19 2018. Room: ECEB 1013 & ECEB 1015. Please arrive in the assigned room (TBA) at 8:00AM on time.

Instructor & TAs

Alexander Schwing

Email: aschwing[at]
Office Hour: Tues. 13:00-14:00PM
Room: CSL 103
Website: [link]

Yuan-Ting Hu

Teaching Assistant
Email: ythu2[at]
Office Hour: Wed. 15:00-16:00PM
Room: ECEB 2013
Website: [link]

Safa Messaoud

Teaching Assistant
Email: messaou2[at]
Office Hour: Wed. 15:00-16:00PM
Room: ECEB 2013
Website: [link]

Class Time & Location

Class Time: Tuesday, Thursday 11:00AM-12:20PM
Location: 2015 ECEB (map)

Course Discussions

Piazza for discussions: [link]
Compass for assignments: [link]

Scribe & Projects

Scribe: [link]
Project: [link]


The syllabus is subject to change.

Lecture 1 Aug. 28 Intro/Nearest Neighbor [Link]
Project Assigned Aug. 28 Final Project Instructions
Lecture 2 Aug. 30 Linear Regression [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 3 Sep. 4 Logistic Regression [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 4 Sep. 6 Optimization Primal [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 5 Sep. 11 PyTorch Tutorial 1 [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 6 Sep. 13 PyTorch Tutorial 2 [Link]
Lecture 7 Sep. 18 Optimization Dual [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 8 Sep. 20 SVM [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 9 Sep. 25 Multiclass Classification and Kernel Methods [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2]
Lecture 10 Sep. 27 Deep Nets 1 (Layers) [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 11 Oct. 2 Deep Nets 2 (Backprop) [Link] [Scribe1]
Project Due Oct. 2 Project Propsal Due
Lecture 12 Oct. 4 Structured Prediction (exhaustive search, dynamic programming) [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 13 Oct. 9 Structured Prediction (ILP, LP relaxation) [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 14 Oct. 11 Learning in Structured Models [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 15 Oct. 16 Review [Link]
Lecture 16 Oct. 18 k-Means [Link] [Scribe1] [Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 17 Oct. 23 GMMs [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 18 Oct. 25 Expectation Maximization [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 19 Oct. 30 Hidden Markov Models [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 20 Nov. 1 Variational Auto-Encoders [Link] [Scribe1]
Lecture 21 Nov. 6 Generative Adversarial Nets [Link] [Scribe1]
Lecture 22 Nov. 8 Autoregressive Methods and Graph Convolutional Nets [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 23 Nov. 13 MDP [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 24 Nov. 15 Q-Learning [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
No Lecture Nov. 20 Thanksgiving Break
No Lecture Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Break
Lecture 25 Nov. 27 Policy Gradient [Link] [Scribe1]
[Scribe2] [Scribe3]
Lecture 26 Nov. 29 Review [Link]
Lecture 27 Dec. 4 Project Presentation [Link]
Lecture 28 Dec. 6 Project Presentation [Link]
Lecture 29 Dec. 11 Project Presentation [Link]
Project Due Dec. 17 Project Report Due
Final Exam Dec. 19 Final Exam at 8am to 11am, Room ECEB 1013 & ECEB 1015