Note on Team Projects

You are allowed to work up to groups of 2. The project's scope and report length will be scaled by 2 if you decide to do so. (i.e. report length for groups of 2 will be 8 pages + references, and the expected amount of work will also be doubled)

Project Proposal (10 points), due 11/14/2016:

There are two options for the project:
  1. Explore the revelvant models and techniques covered in this course on a problem of your interest. This could be releated to your research.
  2. Reproduce an existing work related to the materials covered in this course.
The project proposal should contain the following parts:
  1. Introduction and Project Descriptions
  2. Proposed Method
  3. Dataset Description
  4. Proposed Experiments
  5. Resource Feasibility
  6. Tentative timeline and the necessary steps
  7. Referenes

Handing in assignment on compass

The project proposal should be in pdf format. File name should be net_id_project_proposal (e.g yeh17_project_proposal.pdf)
For groups of two, only one team member should submit the project proposal. File name should be net_ids_project_proposal.pdf (e.g. yeh17_yeh17_project_proposal.pdf)

Written Report + Code Submission (90 points), due 12/7/2016:

The written report should be in the form of a conference submission, we will follow ICASSP 2016's submission format [link]. The written report should contain the following parts:
  1. Background Section (15 points): Describing the content of at least one interesting article from the pattern recognition literature (machine learning, signal processing, or some related area)
  2. Method Section (20 points): Overall method on how you achieved to solved the proposed problem, and a bit of original derivation that has some relevance to what you're trying to accomplish. This could just be writing outin more details of the derivation in the original paper
  3. Experiment Section (15 points): Describing the experiments you ran and the results.
  4. Conclusion and Future Work (5 points): Discussion and future work.
  5. References (5 points): List of references.
  6. Code Description + Code (25 points): Describe the code your wrote, and its revelance to the project. Note: You are allowed to use tool boxes, however you are NOT allow to simply run some github project and use the results. You are required to write your own code, significant similarity in code of unreferenced sources will result in loss of points.

Handing in assignment on compass

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