ECE 468
Optical Remote Sensing - Fall 2016


Prof. Lara Waldrop

5052 ECEB

Office Hours: Wednesday 10-11 AM 5032 ECEB


Teaching Assistant

Yamuna Phal

5068 ECEB

Office Hours: Monday 1-2 PM 5034 ECEB


Lab Assistant

Ted Lao


Course Director

Prof. Jonathan Makela

5044 ECEB



There will be 5 labs and a final project.

The lab manual and necessary materials will be posted on this page.


Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of lecture, one week from the date the laboratory was performed. Students are encouraged to work together (as a group) on the labs, and the laboratory report should also be a group effort. Lab assignments could be found here -

  • Lab assignments

    Students should collect data together in the laboratory and discuss its meaning and answer the questions in the laboratory assignment concisely. All laboratory reports must be typed and should be approximately 5 pages long (excluding hard copies of any code written for the lab, which should be included as an appendix). Students can use the following format for the lab report -


      Lab Report Format

    • Introduction
    • Background
    • Equipment & Diagrams (if any)
    • Procedure - short description in your own words (~80-100 words)
    • Observations (if any)
    • Discussion/Conclusions
    • Questions


    There will be a 50% deduction if a student misses lab without any notice, and if we have to arrange a special lab for him/her. Such missed labs would be accommodated towards the end of the semester or during the projects week, i.e. just after the LIDAR lab. In such cases, the report will be an individual report (separate from the team report). Late laboratory reports will be penalized 10% for each day late. If you have a question or problem with how any laboratory report has been graded, please submit within one week of being returned a written description to your TA explaining detailing why you think a correction should be made.