ECE 468
Optical Remote Sensing - Spring 2018


Prof. Lara Waldrop

5052 ECEB

Office Hours: Wednesday 10-11 AM 5032 ECEB


Teaching Assistant

Yamuna Phal

5068 ECEB

Office Hours: Monday 1-2 PM 5034 ECEB


Lab Assistant

Ted Lao


Course Director

Prof. Jonathan Makela

5044 ECEB


Homework assignments are due at the beginning of lecture on the date due. Students are expected to make an initial attempt on homework assignments on their own. It is acceptable to discuss homework problems with other students in the class, but the turned in homework must represent your individual effort on the assignment. Late homework assignments will be penalized 10% for each day late. If you have a question or problem with how an homework assignment has been graded, please submit within one week of being returned a written description to Prof. Waldrop detailing why you think a correction should be made.

