ECE 453: Wireless Communication Systems
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ECE 453
Wireless Communication Systems

Updated in Augusty 2021



Lab Report Guidelines

·   Lab reports should be prepared with a word processor and a good quality printer.

·    Try to make it look professional. Plots should be informative. Scale the axes appropriately.

·    Lab reports are written in pairs. If you have difficulties with your partner, seek assistance early in helping you work together better. 

·    All tables, plots and equations should be placed where they are needed, not the end of the lab report.

·    Using snapshots of setups and circuits is encouraged. If a snapshot of an instrument screen is used, the screen text should be readable.

·    Each lab document provided to students should have a rubric/checklist. Watch for Emails regarding occasional rubric/checklist updates. Make sure to address every point in the checklist to obtain a good score.

·   An executive summary about a quarter-page in length is required from EACH group member. That part is individually written.