
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
32 Dead-Lift Assistant
Benedict Egiebor
Johan Mufuta
Sean Luo
Jonathan Hoff design_document1.pdf
# Problem
Many people get injured in the gym while performing exercises due to poor technique and form. Performing deadlifts with bad form can cause serious injury. Specifically, arching your back can lead to a broken back and other spine injuries. A cheap and reliable feedback system would save a lot of people from injury.

# Solution Overview
Our solution for preventing injury is to use a deadlift assistant. This device that records video of someone performing a workout and provides feedback on their technique by lighting green diodes if the user performed the deadlift with proper form correctly or lightning red if they used bad form by arching their back. It uses a camera, accelerometer, proximity sensor, and computer vision to provide accurate feedback. This product is intended to be installed in gym equipment so that anyone can integrate it seamlessly into their workout. As proof of concept, we are going to specifically work on the deadlift exercise.

# Solution Components

## Barbell Subsystem
This will contain a PCB sensor unit that will be attached to the barbell.
One of the sensors will be an accelerometer that tracks the motion of the barbell as it goes up and down to signify to the computer vision subsystem what kind of spinal motion to look for
Another sensor we will use is a proximity sensor. This will indicate when the bar has started to move up as well as when the bar has reached its final position on the ground. This tells the computer vision subsystem when to start and stop polling camera data
There will be LED feedback (red/green) indicating whether or not the user performed the deadlift with good form after their routine. This will be determined by feedback from the computer vision subsystem
This subsystem will be controlled by a microcontroller. This will process the data from the sensors and relay them to computer vision subsystem via Bluetooth transmission
This system will be powered by a 5-volt battery

## Computer Vision Subsystem
A microcontroller will run a computer vision algorithm to detect bad form and provide feedback to the barbell subsystem on whether or not. To implement the algorithm, we will be using OpenCV body tracking (2) to track the angles of every major joint used in the deadlift exercise. We will write the logic behind our algorithm to determine if the user of our product is performing the exercise correctly. For example, during the upwards motion of the deadlift exercise, if the user’s back joint angles are too acute, then the algorithm will alert the user that they need to straighten their back.
We are also attaching a camera module to the microprocessor to record the deadlift movement and compare the user’s form to the proper form. This will be placed at the side of the user to get a view of their body’s, specifically their backs, movement.
We are having a 5 Volt battery supplies power to the accelerometer and altimeter sensors. Since they will be their own separate device/module, they will be powered by the same source.
We will use a 9 Volt battery to power the microprocessor. Since the camera module is attached to the microprocessor, the camera will draw power from it, as well.
Alternatively, if computer vision isn’t enough to detect the user’s spine movement, then we will attach orange ping pong balls on their back to better detect the angles.

# Criterion for Success
Our goal is to create a system that can successfully detect and improve a user’s deadlifting form based on user video data. For a successful project, we want the user to be able to set up the system onto the barbell and to their side before their routine. After their routine, the barbell module with use the LEDs to indicate whether the deadlift was done with proper form. Green would indicate good form while red indicates bad form.


Srinija Kakumanu, Justin Naal, Danny Rymut

Featured Project

**Problem:** When working out at home, without a trainer, it’s hard to maintain good form. Working out without good form over time can lead to injury and strain.

**Solution:** A mat to use during at-home workouts that will give feedback on your form while you're performing a variety of bodyweight exercises (multiple pushup variations, squats, lunges,) by analyzing pressure distributions and placement.

**Solution Components:**

**Subsystem 1: Mat**

- This will be built using Velostat.

- The mat will receive pressure inputs from the user.

- Velostat is able to measure pressure because it is a piezoresistive material and the more it is compressed the lower the resistance becomes. By tracking pressure distribution it will be able to analyze certain aspects of the form and provide feedback.

- Additionally, it can assist in tracking reps for certain exercises.

- The mat would also use an ultrasonic range sensor. This would be used to track reps for exercises, such as pushups and squats, where the pressure placement on the mat may not change making it difficult for the pressure sensors to track.

- The mat will not be big enough to put both feet and hands on it. Instead when you are doing pushups you would just be putting your hands on it

**Subsystem 2: Power**

- Use a portable battery back to power the mat and data transmitter subsystems.

**Subsystem 3: Data transmitter**

- Information collected from the pressure sensors in the mat will be sent to the mobile app via Bluetooth. The data will be sent to the user’s phone so that we can help the user see if the exercise is being performed safely and correctly.

**Subsystem 4: Mobile App**

- When the user first gets the mat they will be asked to perform all the supported exercises and put it their height and weight in order to calibrate the mat.

- This is where the user would build their circuit of exercises and see feedback on their performance.

- How pressure will indicate good/bad form: in the case of squats, there would be two nonzero pressure readings and if the readings are not identical then we know the user is putting too much weight on one side. This indicates bad form. We will use similar comparisons for other moves

- The most important functions of this subsystem are to store the calibration data, give the user the ability to look at their performances, build out exercise circuits and set/get reminders to work out

**Criterion for Success**

- User Interface is clear and easy to use.

- Be able to accurately and consistently track the repetitions of each exercise.

- Sensors provide data that is detailed/accurate enough to create beneficial feedback for the user


- Designing a circuit using velostat will be challenging because there are limited resources available that provide instruction on how to use it.

- We must also design a custom PCB that is able to store the sensor readings and transmit the data to the phone.