
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
Junwon Choi
Kourosh Arasteh
Amr Martini design_document1.pdf
Group Members: Kourosh Arasteh (arasteh2), Junwon Choi (jchoi143)

Problem Overview:

In applications of collaborative robotics, keeping track of the state of the environment is often split between individual agents that perform both localization and mapping. To do so, these agents require powerful computation capabilities and constant communication with both GPS satellites and D-GPS towers. However, there are applications of robots like these in locations that are GPS-denied, or contested to the point that extraneous long-range communication would rather be avoided. Many military base locations outside of the west fit this description. For construction projects, such as with the Army Corps of Engineers, collaborative robots pose an attractive solution to the problem of distributed construction of large-scale projects. However, without a robust mapping process for the environment, it would be impossible to develop a plan for distributed autonomous construction. Therefore, our problem statement is as follows:

How do we keep track of a large, sparse map between several ground agents, without using GPS or long-range localization technologies?


We will develop a small-scale model of a system that answers the above question. Our system will include 2 ground agents, which will be simple 2-wheeled robots with 2D LIDAR, or cameras if LIDARs are not available. Each ground agent will utilize an ATmega328 or similar microcontroller to handle LIDAR/camera data and communicate over wired connection with the controller agent. The controlller agent will be a PC running the mapping and stitching of the map, and take in data from the ground agents via a ROSserial interface. The controller agent will also direct the ground agents, which will happen over a different ROSserial interface. The final component will be a supervisory 'sky agent', a camera that oversees the stage of the ground agents, and provides estimation of the pose of each of the ground agents to the controller agent over a ROSservice interface. ROS will provide the networking capabilities necessary to interface between the ground, sky, and controller agents. The stage that the agents will map is to be a small, sandbox-like enclosure with small barrels and other obstacles on the scale of the ground agents.


We would define success as implementing the full mapping flow in the following steps:
- The 'sky agent' is able to estimate the location and orientation of the two ground agents within 5 degrees
- The 'sky agent' is able to transfer the pose information to the controller agent over a ROS interface
- The ground agents are able to map their immediate surroundings and pass this information to the controller agent over ROS serial interface
- The controller agent is able to stitch the ground maps into the global map using the pose information

Stretch Goals:

Potential growth areas include integrating WiFi communication into the ROS structure to preclude the need for wired connections between agents. We would also like to increase complexity of the stage to include mounds of dirt or sand, and other less-structured obstacles. Finally, including some sort of time-based component to the global map to show which areas have last been mapped would be another stretch goal.

For more information, refer to our original ideation thread:

Automatic Piano Tuner

Joseph Babbo, Colin Wallace, Riley Woodson

Automatic Piano Tuner

Featured Project

# Automatic Piano Tuner

Team Members:

- Colin Wallace (colinpw2)

- Riley Woodson (rileycw2)

- Joseph Babbo (jbabbo2)

# Problem

Piano tuning is a time-consuming and expensive process. An average piano tuning will cost in the $100 - $200 range and a piano will have to be retuned multiple times to maintain the correct pitch. Due to the strength required to alter the piano pegs it is also something that is difficult for the less physically able to accomplish.

# Solution

We hope to bring piano tuning to the masses by creating an easy to use product which will be able to automatically tune a piano by giving the key as input alongside playing the key to get the pitch differential and automatically turning the piano pegs until they reach the correct note.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1 - Motor Assembly

A standard tuning pin requires 8-14 nm of torque to successfully tune. We will thus need to create a motor assembly that is able to produce enough torque to rotate standard tuning pins.

## Subsystem 2 - Frequency Detector/Tuner

The device will use a microphone to gather audio measurements. Then a microprocessor processes the audio data to detect the pitch and determine the difference from the desired frequency. This can then generate instructions for the motor; direction to turn pegs and amount to turn it by.

## Subsystem 3 - User Interface/Display Panel

A small but intuitive display and button configuration can be used for this device. It will be required for the user to set the key being played using buttons on the device and reading the output of the display. As the device will tune by itself after hearing the tone, all that is required to display is the current key and octave. A couple of buttons will suffice to be able to cycle up and down keys and octaves.

## Subsystem 4 - Replaceable Battery/Power Supply

Every commercial product should use standard replaceable batteries, or provide a way for easy charging. As we want to develop a handheld device, so that the device doesn’t have to drag power wires into the piano, we will need a rechargeable battery pack.

# Criterion For Success

The aim of the Automatic Piano Tuner is to allow the user to automatically tune piano strings based on a key input alongside playing a note. We have several goals to help us meet this aim:

- Measure pitch accurately, test against known good pitches

- Motor generates enough torque to turn the pegs on a piano

- Tuner turns correctly depending on pitch

- Easy tuning of a piano by a single untrained person

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