
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
46 Low-Cost Head-Tracking Headphones
Cary Zhu
Molly Fane
Sally Zhou
Zhen Qin design_document3.pdf
The goal of this project is to design and build a small device capable of attaching to and augmenting an existing pair of over-the-ear headphones, in order to give the wearer the ability to track the orientation of the head in real time. Broadly, the goal of this project stems from the fact that normal headphones do not track head orientation; when the listener rotates their head in real-life, sensory input to the brain changes, and a perceptual experience of space occurs. When listening to music on normal headphones while rotating the head, no such perceptual experience occurs. The ability to track head orientation with headphones opens new possibilities for experiencing customized sounds in a more immersive, exciting, and realistic way.

This project idea comes from Professor Eli Fieldsteel of the music department, who would like to compose ambisonic musical work using electronic sounds.

Project Uniqueness and Hardware Complexity:
It is acknowledged that technology for head orientation-tracking headphones is fairly well developed already, as exemplified by various VR hardware-software paradigms. The goal of this project is to create a simplified, budget-friendly, non-software-specific version that others with non-specialized skills can replicate by following a simple article/manual that will follow the project.

Professor Fieldsteel’s Comments: “Appreciating that other interested members of the DIY community may not have access to the same resources as ECE 445 students, it is desirable to produce two versions of the augmented headphones: one with substantial circuitry-building work that is small and somewhat specialized with PCB and soldered connections, and another version that relies more heavily on pre-build components that are affordably available through commercial sites, as a way of making this technology more broadly available to the novice electronic music composition community.”

Software Components:
Ambisonic sound refers to a mathematical framework for handling true three-dimensional sound placement and positioning. The composer will be using the Ambisonic Tool Kit (ATK) running in the SuperCollider audio programming language ( Many of the generators, spatializers, and other software tools in the ATK rely on angle values in radians in order to modify the orientation of a three-dimensional sound field. In particular, the FoaRTT object ( will be a focal point in creating the musical composition. The data output by the device should align with the requirements of FoaRTT and other Ambisonic UGens, if possible, e.g. providing three values for rotational angles about the x, y, and z axes.

System Description:
The augmented headphones should output data at a refresh rate that is appropriately high, at least 30 Hz, preferably 60 Hz or even higher. The device should also be able to be calibrated such that an arbitrary angle within the horizontal plane will be considered to be “front-facing”, perhaps by the inclusion of a small button. The professor’s current prototype is capable of tracking azimuth angle on the horizontal plane, with no means of calibration; the magnetometer uses compass north as an absolute reference point. Using the accelerometer to track elevation angle is as a goal of the project.

For reference, “Audeze Mobius 3D Headphones” are one example of high-end, software-specific orientation-tracking headphones ( which the project seeks to re-engineer, though with great emphasis on budget-friendliness, DIY-friendliness, non-specificity of receiving software, and simplification of output data streams.

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Logan Rosenmayer, Daksh Saraf

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Featured Project

Web Board Link:

Block Diagram:

Members: Logan Rosenmayer (Rosenma2), Anthony Chemaly(chemaly2)

The goal of this project is to design a low cost BMS (Battery Management System) system that is flexible and modular. The BMS must ensure safe operation of lithium ion batteries by protecting the batteries from: Over temperature, overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent all at the cell level. Additionally, the should provide cell balancing to maintain overall pack capacity. Last a BMS should be track SOC(state of charge) and SOH (state of health) of the overall pack.

To meet these goals, we plan to integrate a MCU into each module that will handle measurements and report to the module below it. This allows for reconfiguration of battery’s, module replacements. Currently major companies that offer stackable BMSs don’t offer single cell modularity, require software adjustments and require sense wires to be ran back to the centralized IC. Our proposed solution will be able to remain in the same price range as other centralized solutions by utilizing mass produced general purpose microcontrollers and opto-isolators. This project carries a mix of hardware and software challenges. The software side will consist of communication protocol design, interrupt/sleep cycles, and power management. Hardware will consist of communication level shifting, MCU selection, battery voltage and current monitoring circuits, DC/DC converter all with low power draws and cost. (uAs and ~$2.50 without mounting)