
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
83 Room Occupancy Sensing
Aakarsh Sethi
Steve Wang
Yohann Puri
Eric Clark design_document0.pdf
Team members
Aakarsh Sethi - assethi2
Steve Wang - spwang3
Yohann Puri - ypuri2

The basics

The basic idea is to create a prototype for counting the number of people entering and leaving a room. This is achieved by taking snapshots of contact impressions left on a mat along with using a coupled set of IR sensors which are triggered when a person crosses a line allowing counting. The impression snapshots would help distinguish between two classes, humans and objects. This combined with counting done by IR sensors(Increment every time two sensors are crossed by an object) helps us get a pretty accurate count of the number of people who have entered and left a room. An FPGA would be used to aggregate sensor data and a machine learning model would be created to analyze this data. The results we are aiming for would not be time bound.

Paper that gave us inspiration for this fabric

Instructable explaining how its made -

Materials for pressure sensing fabric - - Conductive material - Velostat/Linqstat


Floor Sensing

36in x 24 in carpet for initial prototype with 2 sensors per square inch, totalling to 360 sensors. We will be using custom made fabric force sensors spaced evenly beneath the surface of the carpet. The sensors will be made by sandwiching a pressure-sensitive conductive plastic between two layers of conductive fabric. The resistivity between the two conductive fabrics will change as force is applied to it. The sensors will be connected to an FPGA that will serialize the data and pass it to an onboard computer.

IR Sensing

On the edges of the carpet, we will be using IR proximity sensors to determine the number of people that have entered the sensing area. The IR sensors are coupled such that when a person crosses the south lining of the mat, one IR sensor gets triggered but the person is only counted if he/she crosses the north lining of the mat. This is detected by the second IR sensor on the other end.

Machine Learning

The idea is to use the snapshots of the mat that the FPGA delivers, to use machine learning to classify whether the object on the map is a foot, wheel, box, etc. The mat would have contact sensors which would deliver a silhouette of what is on the mat. Shoes will have a certain range of shapes as opposed to mail carts and moving trash bins.
raining data would include different types of shoes. Training would be supervised. The proximity sensors help give a count of how many objects went across the mat and the analysis of the snapshots tells us whether what went in or out was a person or an object.

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Michael Fatina, Jonathan Pan-Doh, Edward Wu

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Featured Project

According to the WHO, 80% of amputees are in developing nations, and less than 3% of that 80% have access to rehabilitative care. In a study by Heidi Witteveen, “the lack of sensory feedback was indicated as one of the major factors of prosthesis abandonment.” A low cost myoelectric prosthetic hand interfaced with a sensory substitution system returns functionality, increases the availability to amputees, and provides users with sensory feedback.

We will work with Aadeel Akhtar to develop a new iteration of his open source, low cost, myoelectric prosthetic hand. The current revision uses eight EMG channels, with sensors placed on the residual limb. A microcontroller communicates with an ADC, runs a classifier to determine the user’s type of grip, and controls motors in the hand achieving desired grips at predetermined velocities.

As requested by Aadeel, the socket and hand will operate independently using separate microcontrollers and interface with each other, providing modularity and customizability. The microcontroller in the socket will interface with the ADC and run the grip classifier, which will be expanded so finger velocities correspond to the amplitude of the user’s muscle activity. The hand microcontroller controls the motors and receives grip and velocity commands. Contact reflexes will be added via pressure sensors in fingertips, adjusting grip strength and velocity. The hand microcontroller will interface with existing sensory substitution systems using the pressure sensors. A PCB with a custom motor controller will fit inside the palm of the hand, and interface with the hand microcontroller.

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