
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
63 Advance sports timer
Cristian Velazquez
Patrick Tchassem Noukimi
Santiago Gutierrez
Yuchen He TA design_document0.pdf
We are collaborating with the MechSe department on this project. The idea for this project is to create a new type of timer that can be easily attached to the clothing or worn on the hands. It'll be compact in design and keep track of common timer tasks as well as have a display for showing the times. We would like to make it waterproof, and, if possible, have it keep track of heart rate. The main focus however would be that you can give any number of devices to athletes and each would run independently, at the end of the exercise, the devices would report their data to a central device that compiles and puts together charts to present the data.

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Michael Fatina, Jonathan Pan-Doh, Edward Wu

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Featured Project

According to the WHO, 80% of amputees are in developing nations, and less than 3% of that 80% have access to rehabilitative care. In a study by Heidi Witteveen, “the lack of sensory feedback was indicated as one of the major factors of prosthesis abandonment.” A low cost myoelectric prosthetic hand interfaced with a sensory substitution system returns functionality, increases the availability to amputees, and provides users with sensory feedback.

We will work with Aadeel Akhtar to develop a new iteration of his open source, low cost, myoelectric prosthetic hand. The current revision uses eight EMG channels, with sensors placed on the residual limb. A microcontroller communicates with an ADC, runs a classifier to determine the user’s type of grip, and controls motors in the hand achieving desired grips at predetermined velocities.

As requested by Aadeel, the socket and hand will operate independently using separate microcontrollers and interface with each other, providing modularity and customizability. The microcontroller in the socket will interface with the ADC and run the grip classifier, which will be expanded so finger velocities correspond to the amplitude of the user’s muscle activity. The hand microcontroller controls the motors and receives grip and velocity commands. Contact reflexes will be added via pressure sensors in fingertips, adjusting grip strength and velocity. The hand microcontroller will interface with existing sensory substitution systems using the pressure sensors. A PCB with a custom motor controller will fit inside the palm of the hand, and interface with the hand microcontroller.

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