
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
71 Extend IMU Degrees of Freedom for Pose Estimation Using AI on Chip
Chirag Rastogi
Lukas Zscherpel
Yixuan Wang design_document1.pdf

Team Members:
- Chirag Rastogi (chiragr2)
- Lukas Zscherpel (lukasez2)

# Problem
An Inertial measurement unit (IMU) is a combination of sensors that collects data based on movement. IMU’s normally include an accelerometer and a gyroscope which track the specific acceleration and the angular acceleration of the object.

The sensors are:
Accelerometers: Used to measure linear acceleration in three dimensions. This information can be used to estimate the velocity and position of the object over time.
Gyroscopes: Used to measure angular velocity in three dimensions. This information can be used to estimate the orientation of the object over time.
Magnetometers: Used to measure the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. This information can be used to determine the orientation of the object with respect to the Earth's magnetic field, which can be used to correct errors in the orientation estimate obtained from the gyroscopes.

IMU’s are used in a wide range of applications but they are really important in the medical field and in consumer electronics.
Some example applications include movement tracking on patients to detect disorders or even tracking movement in your cell phone to get its orientation.

9DOF IMU sensors can be found for as low as $10-$20 for basic models, but these sensors have lower accuracy. For projects that require greater accuracy, the cost can go upto 300$ ( and this limits projects that require multiple such devices.

# Solution

An AI on chip solution may have the potential to reduce the cost of 9DOF IMU sensors by enabling the integration of multiple sensors and processing functions onto a single chip, which can simplify the design, reduce the bill of materials, and lower the manufacturing costs.

By leveraging AI algorithms among others, an AI on chip can enable 9DOF IMU sensors to perform advanced sensing and processing tasks on-device, reducing the data transmission requirements and minimizing the need for external computing resources.

Our solution is to take a cheap 6 DOF IMU and combine it with a RNN that we train to calculate the other 3 DOF that a magnetometer normally provides. We will then take this AI model and put it onto a chip. The AI on chip will work together with the 6DOF IMU to emulate a 9 DOF IMU in a handheld format.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1: Inertial Measurement Unit

This subsystem will be an 6 DOF IMU that we acquire from a third party distributor. We will have to research what the IMU will output and how to connect to it as well as how to calibrate the IMU. We are considering using an Adafruit ISM330DHCX as the IMU ($20) and the MPU-6050 (3$).

## Subsystem 2: Control System
We will have a control system (microcontroller) that is designed by a student that will process the data outputted by the IMU and provide it to the AI on chip. It will then take the output of the AI model along with the other data and output it to the usb port. We are considering using an ESP32 microcontroller for this subsystem.

## Subsystem 3: AI on Chip
AI on chip either through Nvidia Jetson or fpga that will take the output of the IMU and predict what the orientation of the device will be.
The model will be created and trained on a students laptop on data acquired. The model will then be fitted and tuned to fit onto the processor that we choose

## Subsystem 4: PCB and Power Supply
For our project we will mount everything to a PCB that we design. The pcb will host all of the other subsystems as well as a USB interface that will provide power as well as output the data to an external source such as a laptop to be recorded.

# Criterion For Success

The output of the 6 DOF imu is displayed and recorded on a separate computer.

The calculated 3 DOF are displayed and recorded on a separate computer.

The PCB including the IMU is able to be turned off and disconnected from a computer.

Master Bus Processor

Clay Kaiser, Philip Macias, Richard Mannion

Master Bus Processor

Featured Project

General Description

We will design a Master Bus Processor (MBP) for music production in home studios. The MBP will use a hybrid analog/digital approach to provide both the desirable non-linearities of analog processing and the flexibility of digital control. Our design will be less costly than other audio bus processors so that it is more accessible to our target market of home studio owners. The MBP will be unique in its low cost as well as in its incorporation of a digital hardware control system. This allows for more flexibility and more intuitive controls when compared to other products on the market.

Design Proposal

Our design would contain a core functionality with scalability in added functionality. It would be designed to fit in a 2U rack mount enclosure with distinct boards for digital and analog circuits to allow for easier unit testings and account for digital/analog interference.

The audio processing signal chain would be composed of analog processing 'blocks’--like steps in the signal chain.

The basic analog blocks we would integrate are:

Compressor/limiter modes

EQ with shelf/bell modes

Saturation with symmetrical/asymmetrical modes

Each block’s multiple modes would be controlled by a digital circuit to allow for intuitive mode selection.

The digital circuit will be responsible for:

Mode selection

Analog block sequence

DSP feedback and monitoring of each analog block (REACH GOAL)

The digital circuit will entail a series of buttons to allow the user to easily select which analog block to control and another button to allow the user to scroll between different modes and presets. Another button will allow the user to control sequence of the analog blocks. An LCD display will be used to give the user feedback of the current state of the system when scrolling and selecting particular modes.

Reach Goals

added DSP functionality such as monitoring of the analog functions

Replace Arduino boards for DSP with custom digital control boards using ATmega328 microcontrollers (same as arduino board)

Rack mounted enclosure/marketable design

System Verification

We will qualify the success of the project by how closely its processing performance matches the design intent. Since audio 'quality’ can be highly subjective, we will rely on objective metrics such as Gain Reduction (GR [dB]), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD [%]), and Noise [V] to qualify the analog processing blocks. The digital controls will be qualified by their ability to actuate the correct analog blocks consistently without causing disruptions to the signal chain or interference. Additionally, the hardware user interface will be qualified by ease of use and intuitiveness.

Project Videos