
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
61 Automated Wildlife watcher
Edwin Lu
Kelvin Chen
Xu Gao
Abhisheka Mathur Sekar design_document1.pdf
# Title
Automated Wildlife watcher

Team Members:
- Kelvin Chen (kelvin3)
- Edwin Lu (jiajun3)
- Xu Gao (xugao2)

# Problem

Despite interests and concern over climate change and human development, there is actually very little data available about both the diversity and distribution of wildlife insects or avian pollinators. This is especially concerning when considering the myriad number of species that are poorly understood. How many are there? How do they live? What do they eat? What can be done to help further their numbers or have the least negative impact.

It typically takes a lot of time and effort to survey wildlife populations, a more popular approach is to citizen science. By setting up feeding stations or flowering plants in private residences and documenting visiting species, we can gather a more complete picture of the ecological distribution and possible human impact on the local species. But this too is a limited approach as it depends on observers spending time outside and physically observing and document what they saw, a costly and arguably, ineffective method of data collection.

# Solution

Our proposed solution is an automated camera system that keeps watch of a specific location, such as a backyard or a patch of flowers, for a prolonged period of time and captures photos or videos of wildlife that enters its view.

Because of the proposed size of the area and the smaller relative size of the bird/insect, the camera must be placed on a self-adjustable gimbal that will angle the camera to the bird/insect and so the camera can zoom onto it for a more clear image. This will create a feedback loop of detecting motion, adjusting to the movement, and capturing the movement.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1: Camera module

Camera module with a motion sensing algorithm reacts to dynamic objects (birds, insects, etc.). It has software implemented that is trained to recognize the objects in different directions. When a moving object is detected, the camera module will align and focus on a small area around the moving object and try to follow it using object tracking algorithms like YOLO, Faster R-CNN.

## Subsystem 2: Gimbal stand

A gimbal is connected to the camera to stabilize and support it. Once the camera identifies the target object, the motor will turn the camera so that the target will stay within the camera range.

## Subsystem 3: Microcontrolller on a PCB
The microcontroller on the customized PCB will be able to receive the data from the camera module and send a signal to the mechanical system.

## Subsystem 4: Power system

A power system will be connected to the other subsystems. A voltage converter may be needed to supply the electric energy for the camera module and the gimbal.

# Criterion For Success

- Camera can detect object entering its field of vision
- Gimbal can adjust and follow the object that is moving
- The software will zooming the object and capture a photo or video

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Logan Rosenmayer, Daksh Saraf

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Featured Project

Web Board Link:

Block Diagram:

Members: Logan Rosenmayer (Rosenma2), Anthony Chemaly(chemaly2)

The goal of this project is to design a low cost BMS (Battery Management System) system that is flexible and modular. The BMS must ensure safe operation of lithium ion batteries by protecting the batteries from: Over temperature, overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent all at the cell level. Additionally, the should provide cell balancing to maintain overall pack capacity. Last a BMS should be track SOC(state of charge) and SOH (state of health) of the overall pack.

To meet these goals, we plan to integrate a MCU into each module that will handle measurements and report to the module below it. This allows for reconfiguration of battery’s, module replacements. Currently major companies that offer stackable BMSs don’t offer single cell modularity, require software adjustments and require sense wires to be ran back to the centralized IC. Our proposed solution will be able to remain in the same price range as other centralized solutions by utilizing mass produced general purpose microcontrollers and opto-isolators. This project carries a mix of hardware and software challenges. The software side will consist of communication protocol design, interrupt/sleep cycles, and power management. Hardware will consist of communication level shifting, MCU selection, battery voltage and current monitoring circuits, DC/DC converter all with low power draws and cost. (uAs and ~$2.50 without mounting)