
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
8 Car Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention
Aditi Tyagi
Anushka Parikh
Shruthii Sathyanarayanan
Stasiu Chyczewski design_document3.pdf
# Car Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention

Team Members:
- Anushka Parikh (aparik28)
- Shruthii Sathyanarayanan (ss57)
- Aditi Tyagi (aditit2)

# Problem

The idea that was pitched by Stasiu Chyczewski was to solve the issue of large rates in reports of stolen catalytic converters. Thieves can very quickly steal these parts with basic tools and leave undetected. The increase in thefts are mostly due to the increase in the price of precious metals, making hybrids the most commonly targeted vehicles. Most victims end up having little evidence aside from stolen converters, and low quality video evidence.

# Solution

Create a surveillance device for catalytic converter theft. The device would be able to detect suspicious activity (for example tilting and vibrations), be compatible with a standard car’s electrical system, give real time notifications to the owner when the crime is happening, and would be mounted discreetly. Another feature would be having a camera functionality to solve the low quality surveillance video issue, and setting off an alarm when the suspicious activity occurred.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1

The first subsystem is the tilting and vibrations sensor. This sensor will be triggered if a car that is in park is tilted or if any vibration is detected in the undercarriage. Sensors that can detect this activity include the Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor, which is used to detect the presence of a human, Microwave sensors that use continuous waves of microwave radiation to detect motion, and Dual Tech Motion Sensors, which incorporates both PIR and Microwave sensors in order to have less false positives.

## Subsystem 2

The second subsystem is an alarm that is triggered when the vibration and tilting sensor is triggered. If the vibration and tilting sensor is triggered longer than a few seconds, an alarm attached to the undercarriage of the car will start ringing. Additionally, a notification will be sent to the owner of the car informing them of any suspicious activity. This subsystem will depend on WiFi, and when the vibration and titling sensors are triggered, the device will use WiFi to send a notification to the user, alerting them in real time.

## Subsystem 3

The third subsystem is the camera. The camera needs to be small and will blend into the car. It should turn on and begin recording when the tilting and vibrations sensor is triggered. This subsystem will also use WiFi to be able to stream the camera activity and show it live to the user. The camera live field and the notifications will be presented to the user on the same platform.

# Criterion For Success

1. When the vibration and tilt sensor is triggered: The alarm turns on, a notification is sent to the owner, the camera turns on and begins recording
2. The camera can capture footage and the footage can be retrieved by the user
3. The device is discreet and can be mounted on the car
4. The device can be turned on and off manually
5. The device can be turned off before the car is about to be driven
6. The device can be turned back on after the car is parked

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Logan Rosenmayer, Daksh Saraf

Low Cost Distributed Battery Management System

Featured Project

Web Board Link:

Block Diagram:

Members: Logan Rosenmayer (Rosenma2), Anthony Chemaly(chemaly2)

The goal of this project is to design a low cost BMS (Battery Management System) system that is flexible and modular. The BMS must ensure safe operation of lithium ion batteries by protecting the batteries from: Over temperature, overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent all at the cell level. Additionally, the should provide cell balancing to maintain overall pack capacity. Last a BMS should be track SOC(state of charge) and SOH (state of health) of the overall pack.

To meet these goals, we plan to integrate a MCU into each module that will handle measurements and report to the module below it. This allows for reconfiguration of battery’s, module replacements. Currently major companies that offer stackable BMSs don’t offer single cell modularity, require software adjustments and require sense wires to be ran back to the centralized IC. Our proposed solution will be able to remain in the same price range as other centralized solutions by utilizing mass produced general purpose microcontrollers and opto-isolators. This project carries a mix of hardware and software challenges. The software side will consist of communication protocol design, interrupt/sleep cycles, and power management. Hardware will consist of communication level shifting, MCU selection, battery voltage and current monitoring circuits, DC/DC converter all with low power draws and cost. (uAs and ~$2.50 without mounting)