
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
43 Autonomous Sailboat
Franklin Liu
Haoyu Wang
Megan Shapland
Daniel Vargas design_document1.pdf
#Project Members
Megan Shapland - meganls2
Franklin Liu - fl7
Haoyu Wang - haoyuw7

The idea of an autonomous sailboat that would be able to navigate to and from a location without any input from a pilot has been proposed in the past but presents many significant obstacles. The sailboat must be able to identify its current location, to tell which direction the boat is facing, to know the direction of the wind, to be able to manipulate the sails and the rudder so that it can steer in the direction it needs to go, and to plot a path to its destination.

# Solution Overview
We hope to address the issue of determining the current location of the boat with a GPS. We also plan on using a compass to determine the current direction of the boat. Using additional sensors attached to the top of the mast, we intend to find out the direction of the wind. We then try to manipulate the sails in order to change the direction the boat is facing using a set of motors and wench that will control the sails and the rudder of the boat. Plotting a path to the destination will be handled by a program that will control the movement of the boat.

# Solution Components

##Boat Power Source Subsystem
-Consists of the engine of the boat which is used to power the various sensors and motors within boat
-Has six outputs and is connected to all other subsystems in the boat

##Boat Location/Direction Sensor Subsystem
-utilizes GPS to determine the boats location
-utilizes a compass to determine the boat’s direction
-utilizes a sensor to determine the direction the wind is blowing (anemometer)
-Has one output that transmits location/wind data to the Processor Subsystem

##Processor Subsystem
-Is used to determine what direction the boat should move
-Inputs consist of data from both the Boat Location/Direction Sensor Subsystem
-Has one output to the Boat Steering/Motor Subsystem that tells the subsystem how to move the rudder/sails

##Boat Steering/Motor Subsystem
-Used to control the rudder and sails of the boat
-Controls the direction the boat is traveling using a motor and wench
-Has one input from the Processor Subsystem which determines which direction to move

# Criterion for Success
We hope to build a boat which can go to and from a destination. It should be able to manipulate itself upwind and downwind with data collected by sensors and the GPS. The sensors should be able to detect the direction of the wind and the direction the boat is facing. The GPS should be able to showcase the current location of the boat. The processor subsystem should be able to analyze data and output how to move rudders and sails in order to navigate the boat to its destination.

The Marching Band Assistant

Wynter Chen, Alyssa Louise Licudine, Prashant Shankar

The Marching Band Assistant

Featured Project


wynterc2 (Wynter Chen), alyssal3 (Alyssa Licudine), shankar7 (Prashant Shankar)


Drum majors lead and conduct marching bands. One of their main jobs is to maintain tempo for the musicians by moving their hands in specific patterns. However, many drum majors, especially high school students, need to learn how to conduct specific tempos off the top of their head and maintain a consistent tempo without assistance for performances. Even those with musical experience have difficulty knowing for certain what tempo they're conducting without a metronome.

Solution Overview

Our project consists of an arm attachment that aids drum major conducting. The attachment contains an accelerometer that helps determine the tempo in beats per minute via hand movement. A display shows the beats per minute, which allows the drum major to adjust their speed as necessary in real time. The microcontroller data is wirelessly transmitted, and a program can be downloaded that not only visualizes the data in real-time, but provides an option to save recorded data for later. There is also a convenient charging port for the device.

This project is a unique invention that aims to help marching bands. There have been previous projects and inventions that have also digitized the conducting experience, such as the Digital Conducting Baton from Spring 2015. However, these have been in the form of a baton rather than a glove, and are used to alter music files as opposed to providing feedback. Additionally, orchestra conductors use very delicate motions with a baton, while drum majors create large, sharper motions with their arms; thus, we believed that an arm attachment was better suited for marching band usage. Unlike other applications that only integrate digital instruments, this project seeks to assist live performers.

Link to RFA:

Project Videos