
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
28 Saxophone Effects Pedal
Eliseo Navarrete
Peter Hevrdejs
Sean McGee
Prashant Shankar
**Members:** Peter Hevrdejs [pdh2 – In Person], Eliseo Navarrete [eliseon2 – Online], Sean McGee [seantm2 – In Person]

# **PROBLEM:**

There are currently no quality effect pedals on the market specifically designed for horn players. The market is currently dominated in catering towards electric guitar / bass players - with the simplicity of using unbalanced inputs. There are pedals with balanced inputs made for vocals, but the problem is the circuits are designed for emphasizing typical vocal frequencies, not brass. Running a brass instrument through these often results in a "tinny" or some may say even comedic sound unfit for live performance.


We propose building a multi effects pedal designed specifically for saxophone. Since the majority of microphones use a balanced output, we will need to implement circuit designs not only to that type of input, but also the frequency range of a saxophone. In our pedal, we will implement a preamp and equalizer that will solve the aforementioned “tinniness”. The user can elect whether or not to utilize practical performance effects - delay and reverb. The delay and reverb will be implemented on a digital signal processor while the preamp remains based in analog due to the time, cost and complexity to model distortion. The EQ will be implemented in either analog or on chip after comparing what works best for our application. All circuit components will be housed under an enclosure, durable enough for touring.



The preamp section will have the audio from the microphone go into 2 or 3 gain stages (this will be decided based upon the specs of our design). The preamp will be transistor based for a transparent, clear sound. This decision will help achieve the desired tonal quality for sharp attack instruments. The circuit will also be transformer-coupled at either the input/output of the preamp (This attribute gives the signal more "color" or distortion to the tone but will take up more physical space).


The EQ section of the circuit will be dispersed across 5 potentiometers focusing on 5 different bands of frequency to allow for minute adjustments from the instrument preset. Since analog and digital EQs will affect the signal differently, we need to evaluate whether this system will be implemented on the DSP or as an analog circuit.


The digital processing section will utilize a processor designed for handling audio applications. After the EQ, the delay and reverb can be turned on and off through latching foot switches. The delay will feature 3 potentiometers that affect the blend (wet vs dry signal), time (how long the delay trails), rate (how fast the note repeats). The reverb will feature 2 potentiometers that affect blend, decay (how long the reverb lasts).


We can expand the capability of this pedal by making EQ presets to the desired frequency ranges of several instruments. If we have the time to do this, this will feature an interface that could easily select different options, or even user presets.


- Preamp functionality - amplifies instrument signal to audible amplitude
- EQ correctly sculpts (filters) frequencies
- DSP successfully converts audio signal from the first module into useable data for the second module
- Delay effect repeats input signal at given time / periodicity
- Reverb effect trails by specified time

Smart Frisbee

Ryan Moser, Blake Yerkes, James Younce

Smart Frisbee

Featured Project

The idea of this project would be to improve upon the 395 project ‘Smart Frisbee’ done by a group that included James Younce. The improvements would be to create a wristband with low power / short range RF capabilities that would be able to transmit a user ID to the frisbee, allowing the frisbee to know what player is holding it. Furthermore, the PCB from the 395 course would be used as a point of reference, but significantly redesigned in order to introduce the transceiver, a high accuracy GPS module, and any other parts that could be modified to decrease power consumption. The frisbee’s current sensors are a GPS module, and an MPU 6050, which houses an accelerometer and gyroscope.

The software of the system on the frisbee would be redesigned and optimized to record various statistics as well as improve gameplay tracking features for teams and individual players. These statistics could be player specific events such as the number of throws, number of catches, longest throw, fastest throw, most goals, etc.

The new hardware would improve the frisbee’s ability to properly moderate gameplay and improve “housekeeping”, such as ensuring that an interception by the other team in the end zone would not be counted as a score. Further improvements would be seen on the software side, as the frisbee in it’s current iteration will score as long as the frisbee was thrown over the endzone, and the only way to eliminate false goals is to press a button within a 10 second window after the goal.