






  1. MP1, Due 9/12: Metric Learning, Mahalanobis Distance
  2. MP2, Due 9/26: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  3. MP3, Due 10/10: Cepstrum and Mel-Frequency Cepstrum (MFCC)
  4. MP4, Due 10/24: Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
  5. MP5, Due 11/7: Hidden Markov Model
  6. MP6, Due 11/28: Image Object Detection
  7. MP7, Due 12/12: Video Animation

Submit your MPs to Compass

Homework Rubric

"Best 6.5/7" plan: your final MP grade is the sum of 6 highest MPs, plus 0.5 times the lowest one.

Team grading: You can submit one assignment for two or three students working together. In this case, all of you will receive the same grade for that assignment. You are free to change partners between one assignment and the next.

Each MP is graded on a 15-point scale, with the following points:


Best 2.5/3 plan: your final exam grade is the sum of 2 highest exams, plus 0.5 times the lowest one.

What you can bring to an exam: you can bring one page of notes, handwritten, front and back. Bring pencils and erasers. No calculators are permitted.

Regrade requests: After reading the solutions, if you think there is a mistake in the grading of your exam, attach a separate piece of paper to the front page of your exam, and hand it back at the next lecture after you get your exam.