ECE398BD: Computational Social Science (Lectures)

The class schedule is as follows:

Topic Notes Quiz
Lecture 11 October 3 (T) Data Analysis in the HR Field (Guest lecture: Emma Andruczyk from Career Center)
Lecture 12 October 5 (R) Introduction to Computational Social Science [notes]
Lecture 13 October 10 (T) Pace of Life in Cities [notes] [suppl]
Lecture 14 October 12 (R) Sentiment Analysis 1 [notes] [suppl] Quiz 1 [solution ]
Lecture 15 October 17 (T) Sentiment Analysis 2 [notes]
Lecture 16 October 19 (R) Topic Modeling 1 [notes][suppl] Quiz 2 [solution ]
Lecture 17 October 24 (T) Topic Modeling 2 [notes]
Lecture 18 October 26 (R) Neural Networks [notes][suppl][reference] Quiz 3 [solution ]
Lecture 19 October 31 (T) Word Embeddings (Vectors) (Guest Lecture by Tarek Sakakini) [notes]
Lecture 20 November 2 (R) TA Lecture [slides] Quiz 4, [solution ]

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