; (An assembly-language version of the original binary code.) ; Count the occurrences of each letter (A to Z) ; in an ASCII string terminated by a NUL character. ; Lower case and upper case should be counted ; together, and a count also kept of all ; non-alphabetic characters (not counting the ; terminal NUL). ; The string starts at x4000. ; The resulting histogram (which will NOT be ; initialized in advance) should be stored starting ; at x3100, with the non-alphabetic count at x3100, ; and the count for each letter in x3101 (A) through ; x311A (Z). ; R0 holds a pointer to the histogram (x3100) ; R1 holds a pointer to the current position in the string ; and as the loop count during histogram initialization ; R2 holds the current character being counted ; and is also used to point to the histogram entry ; R3 holds the additive inverse of ASCII '@' (0xFFC0) ; R4 holds the difference between ASCII '@' and 'Z' (xFFE6) ; R5 holds the difference between ASCII '@' and '`' (xFFE0) ; R6 is used as a temporary register .ORIG x3000 ; starting address is x3000 LEA R0,HIST ; point R0 to the start of the histogram ; fill the histogram with zeroes AND R6,R6,#0 ; put a zero into R6 LD R1,NUM_BINS ; initialize loop count to 27 ADD R2,R0,#0 ; copy start of histogram into R2 ; loop to fill histogram starts here HFLOOP STR R6,R2,#0 ; write a zero into histogram ADD R2,R2,#1 ; point to next histogram entry ADD R1,R1,#-1 ; decrement loop count BRp HFLOOP ; continue until loop count reaches zero ; initialize R1, R3, R4, and R5 from memory LD R3,NEG_AT ; set R3 to additive inverse of ASCII '@' LD R4,AT_MIN_Z ; set R4 to difference between ASCII '@' and 'Z' LD R5,AT_MIN_BQ ; set R5 to difference between ASCII '@' and '`' LD R1,STR_START ; point R1 to start of string ; the counting loop starts here COUNTLOOP LDR R2,R1,#0 ; read the next character from the string BRz DONE ; found the end of the string ADD R2,R2,R3 ; subtract '@' from the character BRp AT_LEAST_A ; branch if > '@', i.e., >= 'A' NON_ALPHA LDR R6,R0,#0 ; load the non-alpha count ADD R6,R6,#1 ; add one to it STR R6,R0,#0 ; store the new non-alpha count BRnzp GET_NEXT ; branch to end of conditional structure AT_LEAST_A ADD R6,R2,R4 ; compare with 'Z' BRp MORE_THAN_Z ; branch if > 'Z' ; note that we no longer need the current character ; so we can reuse R2 for the pointer to the correct ; histogram entry for incrementing ALPHA ADD R2,R2,R0 ; point to correct histogram entry LDR R6,R2,#0 ; load the count ADD R6,R6,#1 ; add one to it STR R6,R2,#0 ; store the new count BRnzp GET_NEXT ; branch to end of conditional structure ; subtracting as below yields the original character minus '`' MORE_THAN_Z ADD R2,R2,R5 ; subtract '`' - '@' from the character BRnz NON_ALPHA ; if <= '`', i.e., < 'a', go increment non-alpha ADD R6,R2,R4 ; compare with 'z' BRnz ALPHA ; if <= 'z', go increment alpha count BRnzp NON_ALPHA ; otherwise, go increment non-alpha GET_NEXT ADD R1,R1,#1 ; point to next character in string BRnzp COUNTLOOP ; go to start of counting loop DONE HALT ; done ; the data needed by the program NUM_BINS .FILL #27 ; 27 loop iterations NEG_AT .FILL xFFC0 ; the additive inverse of ASCII '@' AT_MIN_Z .FILL xFFE6 ; the difference between ASCII '@' and 'Z' AT_MIN_BQ .FILL xFFE0 ; the difference between ASCII '@' and '`' STR_START .FILL STRING ; string stored below for simplicity HIST .BLKW #27 ; space to store the histogram STRING .STRINGZ "This is a test of the counting frequency code. AbCd...WxYz." .END