goal: algebraic circuit complexity determinant vs permanent recall Q. P vs NP Turing machines relativization barrier! circuits natural proofs barrier! ??? algebra? [[perhaps no barriers?]] polynomials def Q. which are easy to compute? def algebraic circuits rmk non-uniform model practical [[most(ish) upper bounds for polynomials are (or start with) an alg ckts]] "restriction" of boolean ckts treat numbers as numbers [[*might* be easier than boolean ckt lbs]] impractical allow *arbitrary* constants x^{2^n} is "easy" here 2^{2^n} is large computing as formal polynomial x^2-x\not\equiv 0, even over \F_2 where they are equiv functions [[restricted model of boolean function computation]] ex polynomial multiplication def best algorithms are algebraic related to integer multiplication n^2 size obvious O(n\log n\log\log n) over any field via FFT matrix multiplication def best algorithms are algebraic n^3 size obvious n^{2.81} via strassen find better for n=2, use divide and conqueror n^{2.373..} best known determinant def best algorithms are algebraic poly(n!)-size naive algorithm gaussian elimination poly(n)-size algebraic circuit over +,\times,\div thm[Strassen]: elimate divisions (with poly(degree) blowup) => poly(n)-size algebraic circuit over +,\times manipulations of characteristic polynomial poly(n)-size algebraic circuit over +,\times permanent def best algorithms are algebraic poly(n!)-size naive algorithm poly(n)2^n-size Ryser formula [[best known]] thm[Toda]: Q. perm in P? P/poly? poly-size algebraic circuit? =>_GRH NP\subseteq P/poly structural results def VP size degree ex det_n on n^2 variables not x^{2^n} rmk: poly-degree most interesting polynomials are polynomial degree x^{2^n} cannot be evaluated over the integers many results have poly(deg) dependence Q. what polynomials are in VP? def VNP rmk: more like #P Q. VP vs VNP def: projection reduction VNP completeness Thm[Valiant]: over fields of char!=2, perm is VNP complete rmk: in char 2, perm=det VP=VNP iff perm\in VP Thm[VSBR]: det is quasi VP-complete depth reduction for formulas depth reduction for ckts formulas \le det Q. det vs perm next time lbs for restricted models