Distributed Systems
Fall 2011

Announcements | Overview | Lectures | Assignments


Tue & Thu, 2:00–3:15 p.m.
253 MEB (new room!)


Prof. Nikita Borisov
460 Coordinated Science Lab
Office Hours: 1:30–3:30 p.m. Mondays

Ghazale Hosseinabadi
Office Hours: 2–4 p.m. Fridays, 0207 Siebel

Sonia Jahid
Office Hours: 3–5 p.m. Wednesdays, 0207 Siebel

Sources of Information

The course textbook is:

You can use either the 4th or 5th edition; we will provide section numbers for each. If you use an older edition, it will be your responsibility to match up the numbering of sections and homework problems between the editions.

Other texts you might find useful are:

The course newsgroup, class.fa11.cs425 will have announcements and clarifications; it is also the best place to ask questions. See TSG's Newsgroup Page for instructions on how to access it.

The staff can be reached by email for any questions that are not appropriate for a newsgroup. Click here to see the staff email alias.


Homework (6) 16%
MPs (3) 32%
Oct 11, in class
Dec 16, 7–10 p.m.
Guaranteed Grades
If your grade is at least... ... you will get at least...
90% A
80% B
70% C
60% D
50% pass

Homework assignments will be distributed approximately every two weeks. Homework must be done individually. Solutions should be typed, but hand-drawn figures are acceptable.

MPs will be carried out in groups of two. Sharing of code of any kind outside of the group is expressly forbidden.

Late submissions will be accepted under exceptional circumstances only, with prior approval of the instructor. Documentation, such as a doctor's note or a letter from the Office of the Dean of Students may be required.

The midterm and final are closed-book exams. The final is cumulative, covering all the material in the course, including the MPs.

We will use the i>clicker in class. i>clickers may be purchased from the book store. Answers to clicker questions are not graded for correctness, but they are used to track participation. Note: perfect attendance is not necessary to obtain full participation points.

Grades may be curved; in this case, graduate and undergraduate students will be considered separately. Grades will not be curved down, see the guaranteed grades table to the right.

Violations of academic integrity, including collaboration on homework assignments, or any sharing of code outside of your group, will be punished severely; see Section 1-402 of the Student Code as well as the Computer Science Honor Code for more information.

Useful Links

Course material borrowed from Profs. Hou, Harandi, Nahrstedt, Gupta, Vaidya, and Mitra.