Lecture Week 1: Introduction and Systems Review

First Course Meetup: Tuesday, Jan. 26

The first course meetup at on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 2:00pm on Zoom. The link has been sent to you via e-mail and available on Compass 2g.

Lecture Topics and Videos

There are eight micro-lectures for this week, divided up by topic:

  1. Course Introduction - MediaSpace Video
  2. Overview of an Operating System - MediaSpace Video
  3. Review - System Calls - MediaSpace Video
  4. Review - Processes - MediaSpace Video
  5. Review - Threads - MediaSpace Video
  6. Review - Synchronization - MediaSpace Video
  7. Review - Deadlock - MediaSpace Video
  8. Review - Signals - MediaSpace Video

Additionally, here’s a PDF of all the lecture slides presented in the videos this week.

Textbook Readings

You can dive into these topics further in the following textbook chapters:


Reading Selection from Systems Research (Required for 4CR only)

If you are enrolled in the 4CR version of this course, you will review two papers each week and choose one to summarize in depth. See the course syllabus for details.

  1. “Lessons Learned from 30 Years of MINIX” by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, published in the Communications of the ACM (2016)
  2. “The structure of the “THE”-multiprogramming system” by Edsger W. Dijkstra, published in the Communications of the ACM (1968)
    • Note: You may need to be on the campus VPN to get access to the paper from the ACM.

Your review for the “Week 1 Reading” is due on Compass 2g by 11:59pm on Monday, Feb. 1.


  • Make sure to join our course Slack channel (link in e-mail and Compass 2g).